The liberal/democrat mind is uncaring and violent. They are literally the lowest of the low and they somehow justify the inhumanity in their brains.
There are so many examples of where democrats have abused the power and hurt the little guy and it goes all the way to the top of democrat leadership.
These people should be in jail for a very long time.
The rats on here will ignore this (or mock the victims just like they did JD Vance's 3 yr old child) and then they will vote the straight dem ticket again, supporting this inhumane behavior.
FEMA fires staffers for urging team to not help homes with signs backing Trump | Fox News
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has fired three more supervisors in the wake of an internal probe after a crew of disaster relief workers were directed to "avoid homes advertising Trump" in hurricane-battered Florida.
"After back-to-back hurricanes devastated Florida and left many in our area with nothing, it’s incomprehensible that FEMA relief workers were skipping over those in need," he said. "FEMA has the responsibility to serve every American equally, regardless of their politics."
George W Bush hates black people