"I chatted with Kim Grinolds and he told me that Coach Pete was playing it way too safe and not starting the right QB in week 2. I will be attending Stanford University."
Somebody on doogman already referred to Roberts as a hardworking, lunchpail kid (despite the fact that he's one of the top high school OL talents in the country)
Somebody on doogman already referred to Roberts as a hardworking, lunchpail kid (despite the fact that he's one of the top high school OL talents in the country)
No, Yes, Craves it, Yes, Craves it, Yes, No, Craves it. $600K
Somebody on doogman already referred to Roberts as a hardworking, lunchpail kid (despite the fact that he's one of the top high school OL talents in the country)
No, Yes, Craves it, Yes, Craves it, Yes, No, Craves it. $600K
In one commit.
Book it!
Oh Jesus Christ, Petersen is doing this too...
Seems appropriate