Korea was a draw. And only because the chicoms were scared sh*tless of Ike and the ending of the dems (Truman) limited rules of engagement. Vietnam just wasn't 50,000 dead Americans it was also a huge pile of money and we accomplished what? Again, both dems and Nixon adopted limited rules of engagement really until the end when Nixon started carpet bombing Hanoi. Ukraine is a money pit and funding a proxy war to virtue signal support for a corrupt oligarchy is retarded. You dems do retarded and dementia like champs.
None of that negates my point. The risk that we would put boots on the ground was something that our adversaries once had to weigh. Korea and Vietnam made that risk credible. Now we’re cutting and running from even funding a conflict.
Dazzler living his domino theory best life
Sure Jan
Korea was a draw. And only because the chicoms were scared sh*tless of Ike and the ending of the dems (Truman) limited rules of engagement. Vietnam just wasn't 50,000 dead Americans it was also a huge pile of money and we accomplished what? Again, both dems and Nixon adopted limited rules of engagement really until the end when Nixon started carpet bombing Hanoi. Ukraine is a money pit and funding a proxy war to virtue signal support for a corrupt oligarchy is retarded. You dems do retarded and dementia like champs.
None of that negates my point. The risk that we would put boots on the ground was something that our adversaries once had to weigh. Korea and Vietnam made that risk credible. Now we’re cutting and running from even funding a conflict.
However much it costs for as long as it takes. Funding a conflict is its own reward.
First sentence: I didn’t say that and Europe has paid more, as perhaps they should.
Second sentence: Funding a grinding war that your adversary has blundered into is filled with reward. Absolutely.
Also filled with reward? Driving up oil and gas prices to fill up Putin's treasury and punish the US middle class?