People also forget the measles vaccine was developed BEFORE big pharma companies were exempted from liability for vaccines. So, like, when science could actually be trusted.
I run the Twitter account @NaturallyFTW. I'm a mom of 3 who's always had a passion for natural, healthy living. There's a lot of crap to sort through in the Natural Medicine world, & I aim to help people make evidence-based decisions regarding supplements & their health.
My experience:
• For the past 22 years, I've been voraciously studying Natural Medicine / supplements & reading clinical studies in this area. 🤓
• My mother is a Naturopathic Doctor, so I also learned a lot from her growing up.
• I have a lot of experience with supplements - via helping / consulting many people throughout the years.
For ALL supplements that I recommend, I have experience with them, & they have clinical evidence behind the recommendations. We all know Natural Medicine doesn't get the funding it deserves - but we can gain clues through animal studies & small human studies.
While it was a low fatality rate for your era (1 out of 1205) I suspect most parents were happy to move on from that bullshit and didn't have buyer's remorse.
I don't have any issue with questioning all the bad incentives out there with Big Pharma.
I've also got a kid who's dead rather easily at age 10 months and at 2 years without the Seattle Medical Industrial Complex and some Big Pharma wonder drugs, so I do my best to keep things in perspective.
I watched Pete blow a lead against #MyHerbert in 2019 from the Pediatric ICU as Swedish drinking Jim Beam and Ginger Ale.
Measles have about a .000001 mortality rate.
People also forget the measles vaccine was developed BEFORE big pharma companies were exempted from liability for vaccines. So, like, when science could actually be trusted.
Looks like she have a very strong CV…
About Me & This Website:
Hi, thanks for stopping by! :)
I run the Twitter account @NaturallyFTW. I'm a mom of 3 who's always had a passion for natural, healthy living. There's a lot of crap to sort through in the Natural Medicine world, & I aim to help people make evidence-based decisions regarding supplements & their health.
My experience:
• For the past 22 years, I've been voraciously studying Natural Medicine / supplements & reading clinical studies in this area. 🤓
• My mother is a Naturopathic Doctor, so I also learned a lot from her growing up.
• I have a lot of experience with supplements - via helping / consulting many people throughout the years.
For ALL supplements that I recommend, I have experience with them, & they have clinical evidence behind the recommendations. We all know Natural Medicine doesn't get the funding it deserves - but we can gain clues through animal studies & small human studies.
The Brady Bunch is my source lol
i can confirm this is true
While it was a low fatality rate for your era (1 out of 1205) I suspect most parents were happy to move on from that bullshit and didn't have buyer's remorse.
I enjoyed the time off. We didn't have the vax
Properly tested vaccines that work and are cross tested with other vaccines are fine with me
Let's not pretend the pharmaceutical industry is doing the work of God out the goodness of their hearts.
When they saw a captive audience they did what any drug dealer does. Increase supply
Worth investigating imo
I don't have any issue with questioning all the bad incentives out there with Big Pharma.
I've also got a kid who's dead rather easily at age 10 months and at 2 years without the Seattle Medical Industrial Complex and some Big Pharma wonder drugs, so I do my best to keep things in perspective.
I watched Pete blow a lead against #MyHerbert in 2019 from the Pediatric ICU as Swedish drinking Jim Beam and Ginger Ale.