Alex Jones has been judged. The judgement says he owes over a billion dollars, and that's that. Appeals were denied. It's settled. El fin. The end. That's a wrap. Goodnight and game over.
Do your worst. The point was made long ago.
Pawz uses the word "irregardless" and there's no outrage, naturally, and this is the type of shit that actually matters.
lol biggest deflection ever to just make excuses for not wanting to make a quick google search. all over scrambling to defend the biggest conspiracy dork on the internet. sad.
Gee I wonder who was on that Jury. And just how were they inured by free speech? Commie courts with packed commie juries said so? Ask trump. All fake all the time. Commies play warfare and hopefully your side will get a big dose of it and jail shortly except it won't be made up crimes it will be for the crimes committed.
But how Alex Jones settled for $1 Billion?
Fern already failed.
I shoulda known better.
sorry it was $1.5 billion. And Google is your friend.
So it settled.
No link.
It's settled. He owes over a billion. That's final.
Clearly your snark is coming from the families' settlement.
Not relevant. Your poor boy is fucked. Your fuckboy is poor.
There was a judgement. Not a settlement. You both might be more credible if you new the difference.
Irregardless, why do you enjoy censorship so much? You seem to really enjoy it.
Retards Ern and Soccer Fag don’t know the difference between a judgment and a settlement. How embarrassing.
Ern is almost 40 and acting like this, ffs.
Alex Jones has been judged. The judgement says he owes over a billion dollars, and that's that. Appeals were denied. It's settled. El fin. The end. That's a wrap. Goodnight and game over.
Do your worst. The point was made long ago.
Pawz uses the word "irregardless" and there's no outrage, naturally, and this is the type of shit that actually matters.
Only loosers have no knowledge of internet historical lingo.
Irregardless is a mute poont.
”Settled” actually means something when talking about a civil case, but I’ll let it slide.
You’re making H look bad.
You need a false flag for Romania to start an invasion. Attacking without one, violates the impression the “free world” wants to portray.
Just like the other day when HH declared his affinity for flat-bed trucks. Sad.
Nobody is outraged when you prove yourself to be immature intellectually and emotionally. Over and over and over again.
You continue to be played, but don’t know it. It used to be sad and pitiful. That you keep going back to the well, it’s become amusing.
The pattern repeats on nearly every subject. Wake up, grow up, and/or fuck off.
Hope this helps.
lol biggest deflection ever to just make excuses for not wanting to make a quick google search. all over scrambling to defend the biggest conspiracy dork on the internet. sad.
Gee I wonder who was on that Jury. And just how were they inured by free speech? Commie courts with packed commie juries said so? Ask trump. All fake all the time. Commies play warfare and hopefully your side will get a big dose of it and jail shortly except it won't be made up crimes it will be for the crimes committed.
I like conspiracy theorists who aren't bankrupt.
Like Rachel Maddow.
This was the point the whole way. Because you two are late to the party, now you think it’s an excuse on my part.
Keep up.
or Jimmy Kimmel.