The centrist right (roughly analogous to uniparty GOP) won while the AfD (MAGA) came in second. Traditional leftist parties were crushed. This Merz guy who will likely lead things did run on a platform of cutting taxes and limiting migration. He has vowed not to work with the MAGA group, so the government will likely be center right (whatever that means in Europe) as opposed to real right.
He is also talking about being less reliant on the USA and Europe running their shit without us.
So, all in all not a giant victory but a solid rebuke of sprawling government and continued reshaping of the continent via migration. And Europe keeps tilting farther right as a response to poor economies and social upheaval caused by insane immigration policies.
Apparently AfD doubled their share of the electorate.
Every other party refused to work w AfD. All the establishment whores.
Fuck mein Germans.
Are they still buying Russian oil while issuing public condemnations over Putin‘s invasion of Ukraine?
I remember thediscussion around pivoting away from fossil fuels in general in order to kneecap Russian energy to the EU following the initial invasion. A tidy little 25 year plan to address what is now a 2 1/2 year geopolitical concern that should wind down in the coming months
I think the policy was dreamed up by Greta Thornburg or whatever the fuck her name is
If they want independence from the US, let’s start by closing Rammstein and moving it to Poland or Hungary.
Germany wanting a united Europe … where have heard this before?
France is next.
Let Western Europe take care of their own goddamned selves. Move bases to Poland, Romania, Hungary, Moldova. Pull everything the fuck out of the UK, France and Germany and take US dollars with it.
Ungrateful fucks.
I think they are so used to getting their way from the US, including Trump 1.0 for the most part, that understanding they have no real leverage to use US taxpayers as a funding source anymore is going to take 6 months or so.
I think they are so used to getting their way from the US, including Trump 1.0 for the most part, that understanding they have no real leverage to use US taxpayers as a funding source anymore is going to take 6 months or so.
Center-right in Europe is probably our equivalent to the Green Party
The supposed far right is probably akin to Susan Collins or McConnell.
The AFD are NAZIs…or something…
The guy who won said the borders are staying open
Good night Germany
If the USA has to save them again, one condition is that they become a US territory. The German people seem incapable of learning anything from their own past.
Yeah this is the torries winning in the UK and supposedly being the "conservative" party of open borders and lgbtqampersign.
AFD ~ reform UK
By "far right" they really just mean nationalist as they are all still economically left of center.
Having a country with borders makes you a nazi party now.
Also not being for endless wars is a nazi trait too.
I have a German brother in law. He's an insuferable commie. He's here and a citizen now and he wants us to be just like the place he left. But then he claims to have helped found the green party. I call him a watermelon. Green on the outside and RED on the inside.