Trump fired the Chief of Naval Operations and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on Friday. I don't know either of them but my strong suspicion is this is a good thing. Most of the upper echelons are essentially political hacks in uniform. Our military needs warfighters, not social cause crusaders.
I think the Joint Chiefs was a good dude... and Navy from east i read was good to... but what were the conversations like? Did they push too much DEI.... that's a question I would have... also we hsve had a bunch of ship crashes lately... that has to stop...
The latest the Carter near the Suez....
The Joint Chiefs was a DEI disaster who sent out policy memos wanting to divide people by skin color.
I think this is more holdovers from the prior admin and getting his own guys and girls in place
Trump‘s biggest problem back in 2016 was relying too heavily on establishment bureaucrats to support him during his first term, and the end result was a revolving door of cabinet members and senior leadership reporting through the executive branch.
Also, so many leaks to the Democrat media they became tidal waves. Not really any so far this time around.
The Russian Hoax narrative was dominating the mainstream media and national conversation at this point of Trump 1.0, too. Now that media distrust is so prevalent along with a general distrust of the DC establishment, we’re seeing a version of Trump we never saw last time.