Hundreds of billions of stolen taxpayer money being threaded through multiple portals to untraceable recipients who would and will spend those billions on far left efforts to indoctrinate the world and shut down any opposition. Fascism to its core. Using my own tax dollars to support far left violent people who falsely accuse people like me of being racist, fascist, homophobic, etc. What a monumental slap in the face to most Americans.
But here you are posting some pretty shitty taste in music in an effort to call someone, anyone not on the left, a fascist.
You either choose to not educate yourself on what thievery and massive misappropriation of tax dollars your side fraudulently and carelessly abused the American tax payer with, or you thought it was great and are complicit in the corruption by continuing to vote for the criminals who abused their own country. Personally, I think you are just a dumb fuck who is too immature and dependent upon your elitist leaders to think for himself. A person who will vote for who he is told to vote for and could care less about his party's corruption as long as it is aimed at people who don't think like you, but I could be wrong. You could just be to fucking stupid to know what is going on.
Shitty music and false accusations about fascism are not going to force or convince anyone to take their eye off the ball of what your side has done here.
How badly do you mfs want to go down in history as supporters and boosters of this American fascist embarrassment? It's insanely risky. Is it worth it? Think about it.
Your grandkids will think about Grandpa, just like Don does.
It's not hard to resist this bullshit. There's no ambiguity left. You're in for this or you're out.
Hopefully the biggest Ern sees fascism thwarted. He's got about 5 years max.
Power Pansies fueled by grievances against someone else at all times. The whole lot. A few GOP have balls.
You want this noise. Unfortunately millions of MLK Americans are about to stand up without violence.
I'd love to partake in the alternative.
Hundreds of billions of stolen taxpayer money being threaded through multiple portals to untraceable recipients who would and will spend those billions on far left efforts to indoctrinate the world and shut down any opposition. Fascism to its core. Using my own tax dollars to support far left violent people who falsely accuse people like me of being racist, fascist, homophobic, etc. What a monumental slap in the face to most Americans.
But here you are posting some pretty shitty taste in music in an effort to call someone, anyone not on the left, a fascist.
You either choose to not educate yourself on what thievery and massive misappropriation of tax dollars your side fraudulently and carelessly abused the American tax payer with, or you thought it was great and are complicit in the corruption by continuing to vote for the criminals who abused their own country. Personally, I think you are just a dumb fuck who is too immature and dependent upon your elitist leaders to think for himself. A person who will vote for who he is told to vote for and could care less about his party's corruption as long as it is aimed at people who don't think like you, but I could be wrong. You could just be to fucking stupid to know what is going on.
Shitty music and false accusations about fascism are not going to force or convince anyone to take their eye off the ball of what your side has done here.
Great song about your ultimate end.
How badly do you mfs want to go down in history as supporters and boosters of this American fascist embarrassment? It's insanely risky. Is it worth it? Think about it.
Your grandkids will think about Grandpa, just like Don does.
Ern can’t possibly believe this bullshit, right?
Then again, he claims to run with a crowd that openly talks about killing Trump, so…
I ask the same of you 100x harder daily. I keep it to myself mostly, but goddamn.
Go to bed.
Your brain could use the rest. Shit-posting to yourself in the middle of the night is not a good look and can't be good for your mental health.
I appreciate you giving a reasonable answer a go.