Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Ok, Ill admit it. PM to everyone but Sven
Ill admit it, I really cant tell if Sven and his 15 other handles are here trolling, calling everyone a doog, for having standards to flush out who the REAL doogs are in some genius doog trolling to show us that the excuse making doogs that blindly support anything any coach does are here or that he is actually defending that bullshit game that was played last weekend by pretending that it didnt matter or there is nothing to be concerned about because it was against a shitty opponent.
I mean he is using the exact same lines that Kim used when defending Sark after the EWU game... did the Syphilis finally rot down his brain to an IQ nearer to AlzheimersAndys? (I assume that's what the other "A" stands for?)
I really cant tell
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I'd still take Petersen over Helfrich. HTH
If it had been Sark would he be preaching that line.
I bet no.
I'm wondering what the fuck was going on with this board. If someone said we would win 17-16, every single poster would say no fucking way. It's okay to admit it was shit and still be bullish on Petersen.
I'm saying the shit football didn't matter because it was a fucking scrimmage.
Some of you need to learn the difference.
Make sense?
DAWG sense
The one thing that bothered me was how we looked in the trenches, and how easily we could have lost had Norm Chow not been Norm Chow. Maybe that wasn't last year's Hawaii team, but what I saw might not bode for the rest of the season. I don't think anyone in the Pac has played anyone yet, so there is also that. We can't be sure that Stanford will provide a good litmus test right now, but they probably will. It will be interesting and shit.
I dont see a qualifier in there for winning...
So you admit that the "scrimmage" (whatever the fuck that is?) did matter... but it also didnt...?
Not one fucking person on here has declared the season over or even said Pete isn't who we thought he was...
but it always was the doogs that have avoided facts, removed unfavorable data, or made up excuses to fit their arguement
ignoring a bad game or preformance and pretending it never happened is #1 in the doog playbook
Just wait till the real games start guys! Im hearing that they just didnt want to show to much of the play book!
EWUHawaii could play in a real conference!Race is right, this shit matters because for once we have a coach who just might actually fix the shit we saw last week, the season has started, but for once in 10 years it isnt already over
It matters because we care. But, I won't meet in E-3 parking lot, this or any Saturday, for a group hug. Kumbaya.
I miss the offseason already.