The corruption runs so deep. This is the kind of shit the democrats have been doing. I am old enough to remember when it was rats protesting in the streets over our involvement in Vietnam, now we have rats using our tax payer dollars trying to influence elections in foreign countries. The same shit they accused the Russians of and tried to pin on Trump. Just so fucking evil.
They literally were trying to take away democracy, sovereignty and independence. Does that sound like America to you? It sure as hell doesn't to me. It sounds like the democrats were literally trying to turn the rest of the world into fucking socialists.
TUCKER CARLSON: I remember one of your advisors telling me years ago, whispering to me at dinner that the U.S. government, the State Department, and agencies like USAID were working against you, funding your opposition indirectly, and really trying to subvert democracy in your country and thinking, boys, can that be true? It turns out now it is true. And I wonder when the rest of us are gonna get details on what exactly the State Department did to end democracy in Hungary.
HUNGARY PRIME MINISTER VICTOR ORBAN: So first of all, I think those who love conspiracy theories are in trouble. They have to find new ones because the old one proved to be true. So that's the first probably.
It's a massive problem in the United States, yeah. The second is that, you know, it's a taxpayer money.
ORBAN: So if you take it, this whole thing, not as a political one, but rather as a moral issue, the fact is that the liberal elite of the West used the taxpayers' money of United States citizens to spread their ideology all around the world and finance in Hungary more than 60 NGOs, paid politicians, media outlets, you know. So it was a plot against our sovereignty and independence. Sorry, made by you.
I know. Sorry, but this is the case. And the same has happened from the Brazilian budget, which is even more scandalous, may I say, because we pay the money in the Brazilian budget and they finance our enemies at home, you know.
So what's going on? So this is the liberal deep state, the global liberal deep state. And now we see how it has operated.