do I THINK and CARE more than a troglodyte who thinks we’re cutting out the hearts of babies? Fucking right.
do you just grab every insane conspiracy theory you can find on every cesspool corner of the internet, and then vomit them on this bored?
every thread it’s a billion tweets you post of TrustMeBro69 saying shit like “BREAKING: KAMALA STUFFS THE BABIES INTO MEAT GRINDERS AND EATS THEM” and you just fucking lap that shit up. What’s the stopping point? At what point do you just take a minute, breathe and say “holy shit, I am fucking brain rotted out of my mind”?
Between this and actually thinking the government can not only make hurricanes out of thin air but use them to target only republicans, it’s a wonder you’re even able to put your pants on the right way and feed yourself properly. Goddamn. I know this bored is a Trump gargling cum fiesta and I’m just a gas pumping Duck, but there has to be a limit somewhere between being conservative, and being completely checked the fuck out from reality.
I just have to pop in to talk shit when I see this trash. In before the “you’re a pedo commie fag” insults and the whataboutisms because that’s all this bored knows. I just want to know where the end is for people down this deep hole of bullshit.
I posted this already. The audit said they saw no problem with their internal controls. For some reason, that's was the whole point of the DOGE audit. Who authorized the millions in supposed foreign aid to Politico, CBS, NY Times et al? Definitely not Congress. So far haven't opined on all the waste and corruption associated with USAID. One would think that waste and corruption doesn't bother leftards as long as leftards are in on the grift. The dazzler told us he isn't concerned because it was miniscule compared to our huge national debt. You could go with that Ern.
I'm not defending it, but there was an effort to fund "good" journalism when a lot of major papers shuttered in the late 2000s. But anytime the government is funding the media, it's going have a slant. I don't know if USAID is part of that or not. Things like the Fairness Doctrine were good and effective, though.
Someone posted about why one of the Big 4 accounting firms isn't conducting the DOGE audits. As I pointed out that USAID had a clean audit opinion (not by a Big 4) including a supposed audit of internal controls. My response was that Elon and his crew knew that internal controls weren't in place or not being followed or both. This is what Elon has already found out regarding the Treasury Department. It is a tell that our mythical MBA has no concern about the lack of internal controls so far on every Executive Branch department that he has looked at. Neither does almost every dem politician and hanger oner. I know this is boring accounting stuff so Ern can keep his head stuck up his ass because thinking is hard for some people.
My thought is it pales next to this audit
Rage on
First post of this shithole of a thread rage-triggered you goofs is just a headline.
Moms of you losers has posted the actual Tweet.
DuckFC is so blinded by fury he’s posted two different subjectively-biased articles about the same Tweet.
He’s a very low-IQ kid. Some say the lowest.
do I THINK and CARE more than a troglodyte who thinks we’re cutting out the hearts of babies? Fucking right.
do you just grab every insane conspiracy theory you can find on every cesspool corner of the internet, and then vomit them on this bored?
every thread it’s a billion tweets you post of TrustMeBro69 saying shit like “BREAKING: KAMALA STUFFS THE BABIES INTO MEAT GRINDERS AND EATS THEM” and you just fucking lap that shit up. What’s the stopping point? At what point do you just take a minute, breathe and say “holy shit, I am fucking brain rotted out of my mind”?
Between this and actually thinking the government can not only make hurricanes out of thin air but use them to target only republicans, it’s a wonder you’re even able to put your pants on the right way and feed yourself properly. Goddamn. I know this bored is a Trump gargling cum fiesta and I’m just a gas pumping Duck, but there has to be a limit somewhere between being conservative, and being completely checked the fuck out from reality.
I just have to pop in to talk shit when I see this trash. In before the “you’re a pedo commie fag” insults and the whataboutisms because that’s all this bored knows. I just want to know where the end is for people down this deep hole of bullshit.
I posted this already. The audit said they saw no problem with their internal controls. For some reason, that's was the whole point of the DOGE audit. Who authorized the millions in supposed foreign aid to Politico, CBS, NY Times et al? Definitely not Congress. So far haven't opined on all the waste and corruption associated with USAID. One would think that waste and corruption doesn't bother leftards as long as leftards are in on the grift. The dazzler told us he isn't concerned because it was miniscule compared to our huge national debt. You could go with that Ern.
I'm not defending it, but there was an effort to fund "good" journalism when a lot of major papers shuttered in the late 2000s. But anytime the government is funding the media, it's going have a slant. I don't know if USAID is part of that or not. Things like the Fairness Doctrine were good and effective, though.
For the angry Retards like @DucksFC who don’t even read the actual material.
Argue his point. Why is the Secretary of Treasury not allowed access to everything in his department, Big Brain?
Add in that no White House lawyers were allowed in the courtroom.
The very forgetful and stupid @HHusky was just crying about “separation of powers” last week, no he’s of course flip-flopped.
H also didn’t know that Treasury is a part of the Executive branch, because he’s that dumb.
Chrissey defends the comment as apropos of nothing.
too scared to say the emperor has no clothes
I even post the actual topic of this trainwreck thread and Retard still can’t actually discuss the ruling.
Someone posted about why one of the Big 4 accounting firms isn't conducting the DOGE audits. As I pointed out that USAID had a clean audit opinion (not by a Big 4) including a supposed audit of internal controls. My response was that Elon and his crew knew that internal controls weren't in place or not being followed or both. This is what Elon has already found out regarding the Treasury Department. It is a tell that our mythical MBA has no concern about the lack of internal controls so far on every Executive Branch department that he has looked at. Neither does almost every dem politician and hanger oner. I know this is boring accounting stuff so Ern can keep his head stuck up his ass because thinking is hard for some people.
I thought you were into that.
If we are talking Jewbs or random hot nude celebrity shots, then yes.