How the hell would I know who you are? You probably use 33 pronouns and wake up every morning balls across the nose. Anyone who thinks they know what's best for other people's children is certainly exhibiting some serious issues.
One thing we do know for sure though, you rats love to hate some Jews and raise your children to exhibit the same beliefs.
Former military vs. Ninja clad losers playing dress up
Skinny jeans vs ex-military/biker dudes.
I like America in this one.
Tough day for the FBI
They better show up for work tomorrow.
Race defends Nazis by whatabouting them to the FBI, more at 11.
Sick burn
Quit stealing my lame end tags, dummy.
Chrissy finally learned new words outside of “DucksFC is angry”, more at 11.
Hmm……I wonder which side of the aisle is loaded with Jew haters? You rats are raising some violent antisemitic college campus punks.
nazi's were the socialist party after all. Better watch what you post ern. You might be exposing your cousin or other family members.
FC's mother is probably one of those in head to toe black nazi garb.
yep that’s me, a Jewish Nazi. You got me, genius.
Such anger
So you are george soros?
you’re 2-2, well done.
How the hell would I know who you are? You probably use 33 pronouns and wake up every morning balls across the nose. Anyone who thinks they know what's best for other people's children is certainly exhibiting some serious issues.
One thing we do know for sure though, you rats love to hate some Jews and raise your children to exhibit the same beliefs.
”yeah well you’re gay.”
-average MAGA Tug comeback
Those new FBI agents they sent out are fags! What did they expect? Famous But Incompetent!
Always fascinating to me to see modern Jews who are still die hard liberals.
Fake Jews.