Fern is like most lefty loons in that they think we have no right to do anything about corrupt, tyrannical government. Corrupt tyrannical government is exactly why we have the second amendment. We have every damn right to root out these communist, socialist, nazi criminals by any means necessary! The founders spin in their graves looking down and seeing the mass stupidity of the bleating sheep. Sheep get shorn and eaten. That's why the left so desperately wants gun control. No other reason. None. Prove me wrong!
Unless Quietcow is rioting and then the chicom crud magically disappears until the rioting is done. Then back to boosters, social distancing and face diapers.
Hey I didn't get any alerts and I was told the Brown Shirts would be activated
I heard the dog whistle then nothing
Fern is like most lefty loons in that they think we have no right to do anything about corrupt, tyrannical government. Corrupt tyrannical government is exactly why we have the second amendment. We have every damn right to root out these communist, socialist, nazi criminals by any means necessary! The founders spin in their graves looking down and seeing the mass stupidity of the bleating sheep. Sheep get shorn and eaten. That's why the left so desperately wants gun control. No other reason. None. Prove me wrong!
Nice jury pool, DC.
Yes. I did my own research. Bought some supplements from Joe Rogan and Steve Bannon and now I completely agree with all the things you said earlier.
It’s been almost 8 years and you’re still falling for the “very fine people” and “Trump never denounced the KKK” lies.
I’d be embarrassed.
That doesn't work unless you exercise 6 foot social distancing and have maintained your booster shot schedule.
You should see my face right now!
Unless Quietcow is rioting and then the chicom crud magically disappears until the rioting is done. Then back to boosters, social distancing and face diapers.
Take off the jacket, AOC
I'm hearing the truth doesn't care about facts. That's what I'm hearing.
Shit equivalence. It says it right there.
Omg the horror
This isn’t going to end well.
Just more Fake News
Ol’ Joe left DJT an economy that was EN FUEGO so why are we worried about these fed workers finding jobs in the private sector?
Does Google still pay 150k/yr to sit around and play ping pong on the days you aren’t working from home in your jammies making tik tok videos?