I believe so @HairyBallsDawg because I can picture Victor either backing away or turning around on the sideline once he saw Petersen wasn’t f’ing around Death stare.
Didn’t remember he played for 3 nfl teams or the hawks. I guess he possibly played long enough for a professional pension, not sure. Loved the “death row dawg” defense and I recall a pretty bad as video in a hotel room maybe?
That defensive staff under Pete with DeBoer as OC with Penix instead of @Indiana would have a natty. I like to say natty, it’s what I like to do. Oh and Pete as ceo and out of the kitchen offense;
Coach Pete out gif to himself as sudo OC 🤦♂️ edit: oh shit, my link reads suck as usual and why I’m a main bored reject. Thx @Seaver.Mike FO lil boblet
”Western Pioneer” DDYs fast strategy is turning in its grave
Thanks Taft!
"High" school.
Is he the player in the video talking back to coach Pete, and then backing away as Pete does a stare walk at him?
I believe so @HairyBallsDawg because I can picture Victor either backing away or turning around on the sideline once he saw Petersen wasn’t f’ing around Death stare.
Didn’t remember he played for 3 nfl teams or the hawks. I guess he possibly played long enough for a professional pension, not sure. Loved the “death row dawg” defense and I recall a pretty bad as video in a hotel room maybe?
That defensive staff under Pete with DeBoer as OC with Penix instead of @Indiana would have a natty. I like to say natty, it’s what I like to do. Oh and Pete as ceo and out of the
kitchenoffense;seems Jonathan Smith wasn’t the problem. FYFMFE
Coach Pete out gif to himself as sudo OC 🤦♂️ edit: oh shit, my link reads suck as usual and why I’m a main bored reject. Thx @Seaver.Mike FO lil boblet
huh? @LoneStarDawg Only with the permission of the Taft thanker @CFetters_Nacho_Lover
Fuck me running 🙈 with the trifecta
Congrats @myself with the
2/33/3 editNo, that was either Feeney or Lil Jon, neither of whom have been replaced.
Give it tim
I looked in the classics gif post for the one I'm thinking of with Azeem and don't see it, but I did see this one.
Yeah looks like you were correct. I found the gif I was thinking of on page 14 of the classic gifs post.
Going from memory only, it was Littleton. I can't think of his first name for some reason.
Cory rings a bell?
I will always love Azeem for a multitude of reasons, but him breaking Harv might very well be at the top of the list.