please don’t mention blow jobs in this place, we are? trying to keep a certain loser duck in his nearly nuked @HuskyJW won the war refuge. @thefire_marshall_bill @haie
you are apparently stuck on the war of the roses, i was simply responding to the doog style messaging of the classic off season article which reminds me of the platitudes of “guys are flying around”, ”never worked harder” etc.
And, you simply dont know that blow jobs all around is a mild statement here..
And “won the war”? These guys were playing with their puddies, nothing to celebrate ~ ok fine, run bob, but these other guys have nothing to be proud of, this was simply a childish and indecent display of playground immaturity.
nah, lil Ricky Blobly constantly talks about bj’s in the refuge. He has a thing about have guys such his miniature pee pee NTTAWWThat. This is the genensis of my previous comment.
Thanks Taft!
Good news. Some elite QB practice drills are the only way *we get back in the off-season natty hunt.
Blow jobs all around, this IS impressive
please don’t mention blow jobs in this place, we are? trying to keep a certain loser duck in his nearly nuked @HuskyJW won the war refuge. @thefire_marshall_bill @haie
you are apparently stuck on the war of the roses, i was simply responding to the doog style messaging of the classic off season article which reminds me of the platitudes of “guys are flying around”, ”never worked harder” etc.
And, you simply dont know that blow jobs all around is a mild statement here..
And “won the war”? These guys were playing with their puddies, nothing to celebrate ~ ok fine, run bob, but these other guys have nothing to be proud of, this was simply a childish and indecent display of playground immaturity.
nah, lil Ricky Blobly constantly talks about bj’s in the refuge. He has a thing about have guys such his miniature pee pee NTTAWWThat. This is the genensis of my previous comment.
ok, I get that…