My pet peeve issue: The education system.
We know that it is dominated across the nation with democrat control. They have destroyed the education system in this country and it is getting worse. Unfortunately democrats have made it so there is very little middle class families can do about it. Remember how the left bitched about the "No Child Left Behind" program that Bush instituted? Well BO eradicated it and put in a shitty system which has been an abject failure since day 1.
Grooming our children seems to be the most important thing to our teachers and administrators. God help these kids.
Test Scores Take Another Dive As Schools Pocket $Billions – Issues & Insights
Despite the massive, unprecedented infusion of $190 billion in federal funds into schools under the guise of COVID recovery, outcomes have worsened – but the spending has enriched and empowered teachers unions while also giving inept school administrators greater power over students’ learning.
“In 2011 and 2012, the Obama administration began issuing waivers to release states from the most onerous requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act,” explained Chad Aldeman, an education writer at The 74 website. “Congress made those policies permanent in the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act.”
Seattle Times headline today
Trump threatens local control of schools
The left doesn't want local controls. They want federal controls with the left controlling
Here is is. Local control
You see it here. None of the Tug leftards is concerned about actually educating American children. Indoctrination, grooming and sexual mutilation - sure. When the leftards are claiming that reading, writing and math are indications of systemic white institutional racism they can hardly claim they are for educating the kiddies. Class room discipline, being on time, completing your homework all scrapped and just push the kids to the next grade. And for god's sake don't let parents have any of the teacher union's money for a tuition voucher to a private school who actually has a mission statement to educate the children.
Same with policing.