I’m merely posting the monthly numbers from the CPI and you’re responding with fake numbers from corrupt government officials.
I’m not blaming anyone for anything. Just a little amused at the idiot who bumped this thread.
Even if you guys go to grocery store and can still see the price of eggs rising you’re gonna believe that asshole who told you price of eggs dropped lololololl
I don’t know what you guys are thinking.
I’m merely posting the monthly numbers from the CPI and you’re responding with fake numbers from corrupt government officials.
I’m not blaming anyone for anything. Just a little amused at the idiot who bumped this thread.
Even if you guys go to grocery store and can still see the price of eggs rising you’re gonna believe that asshole who told you price of eggs dropped lololololl
Per usual Buck is out of his depth. This is precious.
"The fed sets mortgage rates!"
Hahahaha Buck is out of his depth statement….yet no explanation to back it up. Lol.
You're an idiot.
See I explained it.
Aren’t you the guy who thinks people can unleash hurricanes into the South? Just asking for a friend.
Yes I am a guy. That's all you have ever gotten right.
You sure?
Absolutely! I've never played soccer!
Also proves I'm not gay.
Kind of like how you don't understand averages and reporting I'll leave this one out here for you to keep bumping. It's a lot funnier that way. Hth.
Just bought eggs 1 hour ago. Plentiful supply and price is down over $0.75. Shelves were fully stocked.
that's exactly what a gay person would say.
Fingers crossed for SoccerGuy! Trolling for cock yet again…