To you rats, don't watch because Trump put America first and destroyed the socialists/communists around the world. We get it, you like socialists and communists around the world so this is going to make you uncomfortable.
To all those that love America and our independence, go watch his Zoom to the Davos leaders. It was epic!!!!!!!!! The man upset all the POS leaders around the world and is righting this ship.
Trump in 2025 is the leader we have always wished for since Truman. Call it like it is and if you don't like it, fuck off.
MAGA and America First is hate speech and should be regulated by leftards who are at best America Last.
Jesus hates America
Trump should withdraw from the UN next.
The FUCK YOU ALL speech by Milei was a sight to behold.
Fuck yeah. Get the fuck out of the UN.
One off negotiations and alliances.
Kick them out of the US and we remain with a strong US ambassador and our payment is limited to what the chicoms pay. I would suggest Kabul, Afghanistan as a possible host. Gaza City, Gaza is another strong possibility.
Panama has violated the treaty by basically letting China run it.
Free pub!
Don't get Munsoned.
Big Ern 2028