This is happening everywhere to push this B.S. Here they place sensors in all sorts of insane places to alter the data. This is/was always about control and the ability of stopping you from being able to go about your lives, travel etc. It's all about control. 15 minute cities, no cars, no airports. no ability to travel, gather or oppose them. It's just a new communism. BidenBros/CommieCucks can't wait!
Why are there no Chinese environmental activists?
Because they are all ready communists.
There are more important things to focus on, such as the discredited testimony of anonymous women to House partisans in an ethic report investigating a former congressman.
House Partisans? You mean the GOP lead house ethics committee?
Yes, the UniParty House GOP. Did you forget Gaetz led the effort to oust UniParty favorite Kevin McCarthy.
Catch up
And? That's not why he had an ethics investigation...
For the record even Trump was against getting rid of Mccarthy.
He had an “Ethics investigation” because a liar now in prison for lying made outrageous claims and paid women to say the lies. DOJ found this out during their own investigation.
The information is available for everyone to find.
The same folks who told you the Hunter laptop was fake are telling you this is real
Note that our board retards have never had a word to say about the child porn on that laptop. Or how they voted for a guy who showered with his daughter
Our moral superiors
Except in this instance, even the FBI found the claims without credit, yet we still have people on the right believing the DC UniParty and their decades-long tactics to smear those exposing the grift.
I can’t imagine being that gullible l, considering what is now an obvious pattern for 30+ years, from the Politics of Personal Destruction” Playbook that Carville/Begala/Stephanopolous used so effectively in the early 1990s to assist Clinton.
My issue is this is GOP led... so it isn't the same as if it was the democrats attacking him... and from I understand he even ended up sleeping with the 17 year old for cash after she turned 18... and he didn't find out she was 17 until a month later... I would say at the very least he is guilty of hanging out with the wrong crowd...
No big deal for a congressman... but for AG, it is...
Either way since he is gone from the AG role i don't really care about him.
and from I understand he even ended up sleeping with the 17 year old for cash after she turned 18
Your understanding is totally wrong and the information is in the depositions. Again, it’s on you to actually educate yourself on how DC works and how dishonesty runs the government. Keep on believing the UniParty and their media if you want, but I’ll call people out for being wrong.
Can’t help you help yourself in being so gullible. That’s up to you to change.
Give me a link that shows it's wrong then not just this person isn't credible.... I wish there was a way for Gaetz to defend himself in the ethics report.... as I do believe in fairness.... it just seams there is a lot of smoke with him.
Maybe I just can't stand his doucheness... and it's clouding my judgment.... but doucheness isn't a crime.
I’ve provided links to deposition testimony, under oath, that contradict the claims in the toothless House report.
Again, it’s up to you to educate yourself. Not my job, I already know how you believe the major media. You’re an old-time Bush-Romney Republican, so I don’t expect you to change.
You have been clutching your pearls for 9 years of Trump and his behavior, yet you still don’t understand what he represents to people just like you over elitist, vengeful DC lifers like John McCain was, even to his deathbed.
If you think about it, McCain’s vote against repealing ObamaCare is to blame for the United CEO’s assassination.
Nah I just a libertarian... who believes in limited Government... I also prefer a not so short minded guy at president... but he survived the electionso i hope he does well... I'd be happy with JD Vance dude is smart without all Trump's baggage....
Gee, it never gets old thinking for yourself and relying on your own research and debunking.
Ern’s religion takes another hit.
Leftism is a cult for gullible, mentally-disturbed people.
Best 5 minute takedown of "clean energy" ever on TV.
I like the hot spicy lawyer in Landman. Hope she progresses to some aggressive nude scenes in her career at some point.
Just like the batshit crazy slutty daughter.
Decidedly m'eh on Ali Larter.
Good show?
I love it. One of the only shows I am into on TV.