If she runs again, I predict she once again that she doesn't make it to Iowa. If she really wants to stay in politics her only bet is to run for Governor of California. She'd be an awful Gov. but California voters are so fucking stupid they love awful governors. And they are complete suckers for race and gender based identity politics.
Other than that, she no longer has a career in national politics.
I find this a curious and ill-advised but possible hail mary move. I don't think they intend to relinquish power so banking on future elections is out.
In my estimation, the best bet was to start a major war (they are trying)and enact war powers prior to suspend the election indefinitely.
Since the election has already taken place any attempt to stop Trump from taking office now is precarious at best and Im not sure legally if it can be done now but I'm sure they are working on something.
Removing Biden from office (25th amendment) due to mental health or otherwise to install Harris at this point would put into question any decisions including validity of pardons by Biden. This would be like cutting their own throats trying to make their escape.
Im sure there are deep state think tanks conjuring up whatever is possible to keep Trump from taking office....Nothing is off the table when tyrants refuse to relinquish power.
Swinging from a rope might be the reward when the dust settles if unsuccessful.
I believe we are in uncharted waters and if another coup is attempted this late in the game some kind of military intervention might take place. Whomever the military backs will most likely prevail.
Doubt it. Would sink Kammy's future career and she's convinced she is gonna win in 2028.
Blowing through $1B in cash in three months only to be in the hole $20M
Having to pay lefty celebs for endorsements
Using pop stars to draw in attendees to your rallies
Losing the popular vote
Losing every swing state
Being openly discussed as an anchor in your current position
And thinking you have a chance at the presidency in four years.
If she runs again, I predict she once again that she doesn't make it to Iowa. If she really wants to stay in politics her only bet is to run for Governor of California. She'd be an awful Gov. but California voters are so fucking stupid they love awful governors. And they are complete suckers for race and gender based identity politics.
Other than that, she no longer has a career in national politics.
I find this a curious and ill-advised but possible hail mary move. I don't think they intend to relinquish power so banking on future elections is out.
In my estimation, the best bet was to start a major war (they are trying)and enact war powers prior to suspend the election indefinitely.
Since the election has already taken place any attempt to stop Trump from taking office now is precarious at best and Im not sure legally if it can be done now but I'm sure they are working on something.
Removing Biden from office (25th amendment) due to mental health or otherwise to install Harris at this point would put into question any decisions including validity of pardons by Biden. This would be like cutting their own throats trying to make their escape.
Im sure there are deep state think tanks conjuring up whatever is possible to keep Trump from taking office....Nothing is off the table when tyrants refuse to relinquish power.
Swinging from a rope might be the reward when the dust settles if unsuccessful.
I believe we are in uncharted waters and if another coup is attempted this late in the game some kind of military intervention might take place. Whomever the military backs will most likely prevail.
Purely speculation on my part.. FWIW
God help us!
I support Kamala’s 2028 run.