The little commies fake everything. Attempt to stir unrest and civil war via hoaxes that our lefties here cheer and vote for. Probably donate money to assist in the efforts. I'm disgusted with what our nation has become and these morons want totalitarian style government and control.
What say the BidenBro/CommieCrew? Fill us in on this wonderful philosophy that has never worked but you'll get it right. I wonder what runs through your minds. None will be brave enough to tell us but what the hell it's worth a try.
I heard the Patriot Front was nearby, too.
Hopefully Patel can investigate which FBI agents play dress up for those hoaxes.
Any updates to the engine revving hate crime?
So much hate it has to be faked!
Anyone getting Hawaiian shirts for Christmas?
Boogaloo Boyz 4 Lyfe!
racism is over!
Pretty sure you skipped paying for dinner before the strawman ass phucking started.