I know every arm chair coach bitches about this, but my god can we at least try and bump on both sides of the field on the same play. Hawaii's QB is just looking for the cushion and attacking it.
the thing is for everyone talking about how Pac-12 offenses are going to abuse us.... for the first time in about 12 years, i have confidence our coach and leader will make the adjustments necessary by the time conference play starts.
the thing is for everyone talking about how Pac-12 offenses are going to abuse us.... for the first time in about 10 years, i have confidence our coach and leader will make the adjustments necessary by the time conference play starts.
Can the DL lose 25 lbs each in 28 days? Nothing you can do about fat and slow. Getting abused by WAC Polynesian OL. #Pac-12PlayWillBeBetter
Fuck you Nick Holt!
so early in the season.