and unlike haie the cunt's theory, I can actually provide evidence in support of mine and will happily explain it.
Okay, here's my theory. When UW gets their ass beat, haie the cunt and his ass munching boyfriend Bill, stop being mouthy little bitches here and get very "busy" with their kids and the holidays and chores around the house and work. After a win, haie loves to run that little twat of a mouth of his, but after an ass kicking, haie runs and hides like the little bitch he is.
And that's my theory.
Does being haie's cock holster pay well Bill?
keyboard warrior pussy strikes again
Hay is retired. How's he busy? Driving the anke biters around? I think we know who wears the pants in his relationship.
Guy who suck's haie the dipshit's cock strikes again.
Imagine being so fucking pathetic you actually sign up to be haie's cock holster. Hey Bill, did that ass reaming UW took last night remind you of some of yours and haie's one on one action?
Where is you ass munching pals Bill? He is usually such a mouthy little bitch.
More homo erotic fantasies from cigarette Blob. It's okay Blob, just admit you're gay.
They only thing greater than your hypocrisy Bill is your stupidity.
no natty faggots
Go to your San Fransicko glory hole, Blob
Appears my conspiracy theory is valid.
Due to it being Veteran's Day haie was just too busy.
Gotta love how the retard helmet still tried to run cover for him. haie's ass must taste like a lollypop to Bill.
There is a lot of homo-eroticism in this thread.
A lot.
You bring it up constantly, Blob. Moron.
Called it. haie's ass wasn't going to tongue itself, and that's why Bill is here.
Yeah, I've only up voted 600 other people. Bob loses it when I laugh at Haie owning you clowns.
And I love the fact that you're such ass tonguing, moronic sycophant for haie, that you really believe haie has "owned" anyone here.
I have a new conspiracy theory:
Boblet cares about upvotes.
Because he's a fag.
Thanks for proving my point.
You're a slave to haie's bunghole Bill. You don't own anyone.
Is that why you keep responding, keyboard warrior bitch?
Said the cunt who is responding in a thread I started. Bill seriously, you're too fucking stupid to "own" anyone.
Be happy being haie's cock holster that appears to be a job you've obtained that's beyond your natural abilities.
Still cares about upvotes.