This (sort of) public figure (I seriously doubt more than 5% of the dumbfucks in this country could identify this guy, but Snooki, JWow, and Bieber are no problem) I follow on Facebook, who I actually respect a lot feigned all this anger because some guy in the Gay Area (LOL) broke the chain of the Starbuck's pay it forward. Then about every fourth comment was, "I'll bet he was a Republican! What a cheap bastard!" Right, because paying about the same amount for your coffee in your 12 MPG SUV or Fagaru so you can pretend you made a difference makes a big impact on society. Way to be a limousine liberal. I'll bet some of these people have no problem finding every god damn tax loophole either, for themselves, their company, or abundance.
If you want to pay it forward, why don't you help a homeless veteran get a job, help some kid pay for school, or help out someone who was laid off through no fault of their own with bills? Oh shit, that would take more than 2 minutes of your time and it wouldn't go viral on YouTube.
The Ice Bucket Challenge is FS and jumped the shark two weeks ago. The ones who drum up fake outrage over the waste of water are just as fucking stupid. You cunts don't get mad at your neighbor for watering their lawn or at women for taking 30 minute showers.
If you want to bash the Ice Bucket Challenge that's fine, but if you're going to bash 30 minute showers, I'm out.
I did the challenge because it was 90 degrees out and we had a cooler full of ice that we were looking to get rid of ... the donation part ... slipped my mind.
Something else that burns my ass ... and is similar to this bullshit social phenomenon.
Paying it forward in the fucking Starbucks line. (Yeah ... fuck you ... I love Starbucks)
The other day someone "paid my coffee forward", I thanked the employee and started to drive off. She then said, aren't you going to pay it forward.
I said ... no ... what's the point of the person's good deed in front of me if I then in turn have to pay for the guy behind me under pressure. I will accept this good deed ... and pay it forward in the future. She looked at me like I'm an asshole, which I am, so I drove off.
For the record, I have paid it forward and continue to do so ... usually when in a Starbucks and the chic behind me has big tits or a tight ass.
"paying it forward" at Starbucks isn't a good deed. A good deed is helping someone get a necessity they can't get otherwise. Buying some asshole a $5 coffee their fat ass doesn't need and who was fully prepared to buy it on their own anyway isn't praise worthy.
I miss the days when you could just buy someone a banana at the Starbucks.
If you want to pay it forward, why don't you help a homeless veteran get a job, help some kid pay for school, or help out someone who was laid off through no fault of their own with bills? Oh shit, that would take more than 2 minutes of your time and it wouldn't go viral on YouTube.
Would've been more entertaining.