As we all know here at HH, the Lemon Party Trio is very active in propping up their boy Sark and throwing out every excuse in the book on Petersen.
This Josh Shaw story is just a flat out comedy of errors coming out of LA with Sark saying how great of a kid he was one day and then 24 hours later saying "we're checking into the story" when called on it.
So I noticed that F3 decided to link a blog post by former UW beat reporter for the Seattle PI (RIP from the crud) now professor Molly Yanity. Yanity's writings normally make me want to throw up a bit in my mouth as they often border on the hypothetical of how things
should work versus how things
But about halfway through the post, I almost started to laugh when I saw that she wrote her dissertation on Sark. I figured that the rest of the piece was going to be a piece on how a coach got duped and whatever. But what I found was shocking (summarized points below):
- Sark's a control freak about the messaging that comes out on his program (supported by the AD)
- The #1 editor for Gregg Bell (a former AP writer) was Sark
- Sark red-lined stories that he didn't approve of and forced reworkings to convey the desired messages (controlling messages is often only seen from leaders that are control freaks and dictators ... not saying that Sark is a control freak or a dictator though so stop twisting)
- Sark's career prior to football coaching? Sales
- Sark's more interested in selling the program than speaking about the facts
Bottom line, this is one of the more damning stories about Sarkisian that I've read that would probably fall through the cracks of the average observer simply because this isn't a sensationalized story.
For example, I can see he is consciously doing this through various ques I see:
His Russian-like Fascist control over the media must be genetic.
He'll make a great time-share property salesman after this gig.
BRB ...