"We reported it to our global diversity and inclusion office and immediately began an investigation," PSU Communications Director Scott Gallagher said. "In the meantime, we've made the student aware that their tuition and their scholarship is safe and secure."
Good luck with that, kid. Should have told him it was going to Mosque, not church.
The article isn't completely clear in regards to those four services. If it's on the morning of the Sabbath, I understand where the player is coming from and support him. But if some of those four services are occurring at other times in the week, I agree with Burton.
Nigel all the way. Are you fucking kidding me? Playing football and going to school is the kid's job. That is why he is on scholarship. The kid can worship all he wants on his own time. Most people can't tell their boss that they can't come to work because they have to attend church. Their boss would say the same thing. You can choose church or the job.
I didn't realize God held such strict office hours that could not be changed.
I'm starting to think you're not him anymore....