Censoring this video reminds me of when that parent was reading verbatim from a book found in the school district libraries, and the school board cut him off becaose it was inappropriate for the meeting.
Leftism has no consistency because the only values they have are to advance their latest agenda as they consolidate power and control over the people they supposedly represent.
Censoring this video reminds me of when that parent was reading verbatim from a book found in the school district libraries, and the school board cut him off becaose it was inappropriate for the meeting.
Leftism has no consistency because the only values they have are to advance their latest agenda as they consolidate power and control over the people they supposedly represent.
Now reported in Houston
to be fair this isn’t in the top 10% of weird shit in Houston.
4. Why eating your pets is good for the environment.
Si the Mayor owns the housing the government is probably overpaying for to house these shitbags.