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  • WoolleyDoogWoolleyDoog Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 3,255 Swaye's Wigwam

    Watched. The doc. Do have to say I was legit traumatized going into the natty game. Felt like my dad and how he couldn't watch the end of The Perfect Storm (great film btw) since he was a commercial fisherman.

    It's a documentary and not a real investigation but from he information presented it doesn't seem like UW really has a gripe and Michigan still winning the same way after they came under fire is their best defense. It's straight up clear that they broke the rules though and I think it gave them advantages in 2021 and 2022 they might have needed more as they built themselves up. I assume he just figured them out probably during the game (which is legal), but I would bet they figured out Jimmy Lake and JonDon's dumbass signals as even as bad as the 2021 UW offense was it sure as hell looked like that Michigan team knew exactly where the plays were going.

    I also found it interesting that Stalions discovered Michigan and Harbaugh were completely out of the sign stealing game when he arrived. I instantly bet that Petersen would have found out sign stealing is just part of the game and refused to take part at all or scheme like people wouldn't figure out your signs.

  • haiehaie Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 21,506 Swaye's Wigwam
    edited August 28

    I like how they spent 40+ minutes showing how this guy was so good and dedicated that he could pretty much predict the exact play a team was going to run, to the point that their entire sideline leaned into it, and then in the end the message was kind of "Yeah..but, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just a Michigan Man! He's getting railroaded here!" while the anonymous [Ohio State neckbeard guy] is tearing his defense apart.

    The rules are that you can't go after anything that an opponent hasn't put out publicly on film. He clearly needed to go scout in person or via his buddies so that he could build his database up to the point where Michigan had a clear advantage that no one else in the country had.

    Nobody will ever believe Michigan on this when 1) Harbaugh's record changed so drastically, 2) He fled immediately and took his whole staff with him, and 3) He praised a "grunt level" staffer like he was his DC.

    The other thing is that it didn't matter that he was gone by the time Michigan played their last stretch. His entire database and plan was still in place.

  • WoolleyDoogWoolleyDoog Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 3,255 Swaye's Wigwam

    Yeah I didn't want to make the post too long but I didn't like the tone of the documentary though maybe they did that so Stalions would participate. The arrogance of doing something like that when you have no real defense against the videotaping network he had is pretty aggravating. I also feel like Harbaugh tries to pretend like he didn't know him or had little connection to him is fucked up.

    I also hate the defense of it's a culture or everyone does it type thing. Okay, then present me with your case against "everyone else."

    The third down on the first drive where they highlighted the Michigan defender ignoring an uncovered Odunze running through the end zone and instead just staring down McMillan across the field waiting for him to cross the end zone always stuck with me. I guess they were just that good at film and tendencies which is insane.

    Also he has a lot of Josh Pate similarities which got under my skin.

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