So apparently kim is trying to make some weird point about the physical condition of James Atoe (and the other OLs) under Sark, vs. the new staff.
Here are some excerpts of video interviews with O-line coach Chris Strausser, and James Atoe.
Strausser's interview:
kg: Some of these guys are quite a bit bigger than they were last year. James is bigger, Colin is bigger, Dexter is bigger.
CS: Yah, I think Dexter has put on a little bit of weight. Quite honestly, James, I don't know what he was listed at last year versus this year. But I think size wise he is pretty close. He was pretty big last year.
kg: So you're Ok with guys being a little big bigger?
Coach cozzetto liked 'em a little more trim. (Yah, he actually pointed out what the previous OL coach preferred. Strausser should've said, "who gives a shit what cozzetto liked?")CS: I want guys that are in great shape and play explosively. To me, when a guy is not running around and being explosive, then he is over weight.
I don't see that with James Atoe at all. He moves around really well. He's not dragging at practice.
Then he interviewed James Atoe himself:
kg: How big were you when you showed up here?
JA: On the visit I was 330-something, and I came in at 360-something.
kg: What were you a year ago?
JA: I don't remember.
kg: What are you right now?
JA: 375,
kg: Looking at Dexter, Mica and Colin, it seems the new staff doesn't mind you getting bigger.
JA: They've done a great job. Every one of us is getting stronger and faster.
kg: How do you feel at that weight?
JA: I feel good, great.
kg: Was it harder to keep the weight off, or does this feel pretty naturalA?
JA: I feel good.
Finally another member of the press steps in and actually asks a decent question about the competition on the O-line and how the entire group feels right now.
What point is kim trying to make? That Sark kept the linemen in better shape? Yah, right, no agenda. Jesus.
Link to Strausser interview:
U cant feel good with a 375 guard can u?
Your hero coach recruited that fat fucker and failed to make a player out of him. If he still sucks this year at his new level of fatassedness it will just be status quo.
Someone should point out that the difference between him and a drippy cunt is nothing.