Here’s @CallMeBigErn’s meltdown about Trump and why Trump is a fascist.
It’s as if The Guardian or Reddit threw words into a ChatGPT blender.
Please do go on, Ern. It’s your floor to expand on why a frankly hideous-looking goblin who donated to ActBlue tried to assassinate Trump.
Took Ern just over a day to continue with the same smears that has his side in a murderous rage.
Anti-immigrant rhetoric, anti-LGBT rhetoric, pro-white Christian rhetoric, anti-liberal rhetoric, anti-intellectualism/science rhetoric, anti- "elite" rhetoric, political enemies rhetoric, nation in ruin rhetoric, urban centers in ruin rhetoric, massive use of propaganda, strongman idolism, symbology (the flag and the cross), nationalism, literally "make America great AGAIN" rhetoric (hearkening to an idealized past), creation of false realities through repetition. Trump being above the law, persecution complexes, victimhood, I could go on.
creation of false realities through repetition.
‘Trump is a literal threat to our country.’
“Trump is a fascist.”
Thank gawd those are not repetitive smears that have become reality for you on the Left with a constant drumbeat and no substance, Ern.
First topic you can answer. It’s an easy one.
“Protecting Democracy”
Which party was trying and in some cases judges ruled in favor of removing Trump from state ballots last winter and this spring to “protect Democracy” by not allowing people to vote for Trump? All while the current said nothing about these efforts to curtail voting options.
How does removing the front runner for the opposition from ballots “protect Democracy?”
How Does Democrat politicians and judges removing Trump from state presidential ballots “Protect Democracy?”
Seems like an expert on Fascism would have an answer.
Ernie goes poof using the old “you don’t deserve an answer” excuse when confronted with his hypocrisy.
Yet another bullshit artist in a long line of Tug Leftists. It’s impossible for these fanatics to back up their claims when placed under any scrutiny. He won’t even answer something simple like what’s asked in this thread.
A reasonable person would answer that it doesn’t “Defend Democracy” by removing political opponents from ballots when having the power to do so. It’s fascist in nature and a real world example in multiple states of the Left’s totalitarian urges.
Any other Leftist want to take a shot here since @CallMeBigErn is doing the typical Lefty ghost act when asked a direct question.
Surely one of you brainiacs can muster up something since a major part of Biden and the Dem platform is to “Protect Demcracy” from Trump ruining it or whatever dipshit thought train that slogan encompasses.
How does Democrat politicians and judges removing Trump from state presidential ballots “Protect Democracy?”
What does this even mean? It’s just so vapid and seems targeted to morons who might try and end the life of that threat.
That rhetoric from Biden caused this shooting....
Guys, he said bullseye, not crosshairs.
This times 100000000000%
No more calling fascists fascists. It makes kids whose motivations we know nothing about start shooting . . . possibly.
Trump isn't a facist and the rhetoric from Biden and others just caused a crazy person to shoot him... stop.
Don’t worry Morning Joe will be calling him a fascist by Wednesday.
Is JD a fascist too?
The JD who called Daddy "America's Hitler"? Apparently, he knows a fascist when he sees one.
Kamala called Joe a racist
Guess she knows one when she sees one
quote her
Fuck off low info boy
Fuck off low info boy
It was during a presidential debate, you fucking dildo. Everyone saw it. KOMO 4, buttfucker.
Fuck off low info boy
(Biden on June 29, 2024): "I’ve got a lot more to say, but I’m not going to take a lot of your time. Let me close with this. Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. That is not hyperbole. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He is literally a threat to the America that we stand for."