Type in USS Milwaukee in a search limited to the last 24 hours and the only headline you find is the FS one Ozone just created.
Holy fuck... the NSA has gotten to Google and Bing too. They must be blocking all IP traffic about it now...
Are they trying to avoid widespread panic?
Fuck... I'm heading for my bunker.
Libtards don't have bunkers.
I don't know what you mean by liptard but technically my bunker is more of a cheese and wine cellar, but it below ground and covered by enough dirt to block 36 hours of uranium isotopes at 100 miles, which is all you need at my lat lon.
Sorry guys... had a 15 minute delay at the seaplane harbor and wanted to try out my new Galaxy Note 4, so I was doing some creative posting while waiting in the seaplane taxi line...
Had no idea you guys would be wooshed so hard you'd be making interweb searches with time constraints and trying to figure out if the USS Milaukee even currently existed...
Had no idea you guys would be wooshed so hard you'd be making interweb searches with time constraints and trying to figure out if the USS Milaukee even currently existed...