Nothing changed with me. Just got call from FRANNY 5 minutes ago and told me I was to show up inMaltby. If dad has stuff to do have him leave with you. I'll have Anna take me and Dad can leave with you. I would prefer u and dad leave together. I'll ask Anna. Shouldn't be a problem. If she can't I'll let you know.
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I've never wanted to flag and Awesome the same post so much.
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I think is a compliment?!??!!!! FRANNY??!!! TRUE?!???!!!!
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I think is a compliment?!??!!!! FRANNY??!!! TRUE?!???!!!!
I've always held the belief that being on the receiving end of a PLSS rant is a compliment of the highest order.
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I think is a compliment?!??!!!! FRANNY??!!! TRUE?!???!!!!
I've always held the belief that being on the receiving end of a PLSS rant is a compliment of the highest order.
I'd rank it second. Behind getting a PLSS nickname.
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I think is a compliment?!??!!!! FRANNY??!!! TRUE?!???!!!!
I've always held the belief that being on the receiving end of a PLSS rant is a compliment of the highest order.
I'd rank it second. Behind getting a PLSS nickname.
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I think is a compliment?!??!!!! FRANNY??!!! TRUE?!???!!!!
I've always held the belief that being on the receiving end of a PLSS rant is a compliment of the highest order.
I'd rank it second. Behind getting a PLSS nickname.
I've only got one, but it was a rant/nickname (Slitskins I think)/whoosh three-fer.
A place where site administrators/majority stock owners stay the fuck off the forums. Just worry about vanilla and site hits Derek ya fucking gaybob.., leave the forums to us. You're treading kimmy water buttsniff
I think is a compliment?!??!!!! FRANNY??!!! TRUE?!???!!!!
I've always held the belief that being on the receiving end of a PLSS rant is a compliment of the highest order.
I'd rank it second. Behind getting a PLSS nickname.
Hardcore Husky
What does that shithead Race have to say now!!?!
Nothing changed with me. Just got call from FRANNY 5 minutes ago and told me I was to show up inMaltby. If dad has stuff to do have him leave with you. I'll have Anna take me and Dad can leave with you. I would prefer u and dad leave together. I'll ask Anna. Shouldn't be a problem. If she can't I'll let you know.