Who the fuck does this guy think he is?
Telling a perfectly functioning democratic sovereign state how to manage their democracy as if it were a banana republic. Liberals simply do not understand the middle east … at all.
Likud perfectly told him to fuck off and mind his business:
As I previously commented, Chucky isn't asking Hamas or Hezbollah for honest elections. Toss in Iran, Ukraine or the US.
He's not calling for 'honest' anything. He's telling Israel to schedule an in-term election so that Israelis can vote him out. Frankly, if such an election were to take place, I don't think they would. I think there is pretty broad support in Israel for prosecuting this war as aggressively and decisively as they are. There are always a few limp wristed peace hawks in every electorate. But most Israelis are of the 'don't fuck with us' POV.
I agree. I threw "honest" in there as you point out Schumer has no interest in honest elections anywhere. It's only the result that he wants that counts.