Too many dinks (Hi Harv!) posting after 5 reasons was dropped. Kind of ruined it imo. The best part of 5 reasons is when Hawaii fans argue back or a clueless poster from dawgman comes on and apologizes for Husky fans acting like asshole.
Too many dinks (Hi Harv!) posting after 5 reasons was dropped. Kind of ruined it imo. The best part of 5 reasons is when Hawaii fans argue back or a clueless poster from dawgman comes on and apologizes for Husky fans acting like asshole.
I'm betting IMALOSER posts that it's all a ruse before it gets any traction. But then someone will refute each point anyway.
I think IMALOSER takes the football schedule and starts marking his calendar not for the actual games but for the date before the game when he should go on an opposing message bored to tell them 5 Reasons is a troll effort.
xer21 Commodore 4681 posts this site Ignore this Member Send Private Message Avatar Nominate | Report Posted: Yesterday 4:29 PM Re: 5 Reasons why UW Beats Hawaii.... Husky fans have to come here and talk **** because they'd get laughed out of any other forum in the pac 12.
this is also the lamest trolling possible, because no one cares, and we all know we're losing anyways, so it just sounds like you're coming in here loudly telling everyone how awesome you are while everyone rolls their eyes because we've been there, done that.
you should probably leave, we're far better at ******** on our own team than you are at doing it for us.
you're also a ******* if you think:
A) we're scoring 17 points. lol. this is going to be any closer than a 3 TD game. Last edited Yesterday 4:30 PM by xer21
GusWilliamsnumberonefan Foot Soldier 1 posts this site Ignore this Member Send Private Message Nominate | Report Posted: Today 6:50 AM Re: 5 Reasons why UW Beats Hawaii.... Good job flinging it back at the 'half brains' (a loosely organized band of uber trolls that was formed during the Ty Willy days....who love to replay what they consider funny....the 'five reasons' being a good example-a post that originally appeared prior to the glorious 2008 season on the Oregon board by one of the DOG faithful predicting a DOG victory)
Surprisingly enough there is dalotta truth to most of your 10. The udub has always been an incredibly crooked program. Which makes the whole fan base ( even the sophmoric 'half brains') essentially a cheering section for the WORST of mega$$$ scam that is 'big time college football.
Hope to see the upset of the year over there with the Rainbows. You never know
xer21 Commodore 4681 posts this site Ignore this Member Send Private Message Avatar Nominate | Report Posted: Yesterday 4:29 PM Re: 5 Reasons why UW Beats Hawaii.... Husky fans have to come here and talk **** because they'd get laughed out of any other forum in the pac 12.
this is also the lamest trolling possible, because no one cares, and we all know we're losing anyways, so it just sounds like you're coming in here loudly telling everyone how awesome you are while everyone rolls their eyes because we've been there, done that.
you should probably leave, we're far better at ******** on our own team than you are at doing it for us.
you're also a ******* if you think:
A) we're scoring 17 points. lol. this is going to be any closer than a 3 TD game. Last edited Yesterday 4:30 PM by xer21
xer21 Commodore 4681 posts this site Ignore this Member Send Private Message Avatar Nominate | Report Posted: Yesterday 4:29 PM Re: 5 Reasons why UW Beats Hawaii.... Husky fans have to come here and talk **** because they'd get laughed out of any other forum in the pac 12.
this is also the lamest trolling possible, because no one cares, and we all know we're losing anyways, so it just sounds like you're coming in here loudly telling everyone how awesome you are while everyone rolls their eyes because we've been there, done that.
you should probably leave, we're far better at ******** on our own team than you are at doing it for us.
you're also a ******* if you think:
A) we're scoring 17 points. lol. this is going to be any closer than a 3 TD game. Last edited Yesterday 4:30 PM by xer21
Sounds like he just rolls his eyes.
I also "lol'ed" at the multiple instances of "*********". I'm sure he meant asshole or something, but considering he was PM'ing the original ******, it's beautiful.
1. Washington cheats. They crooked. 2. Steroids. 3. Pay off refs. 4. Pay top recruits under the table to join the team. 5. Blood doping. 6. Underperforming players in the classroom are kept elgible. Transcripts are doctored. 7. CP's Escort Service. Escorts travel with team on the road. 8. Team ignores the 20 hrs. cap of NCAA alloted practice time a week, and practices upwards to 30 hrs. 9. Coach has the A.D in his back pocket and the A.D has the compliance people in his back pocket. 10.Use hackers to get into the opposing teams playbook and to tap into gameday communications.
All I can say is that Washington looks to gain any edge it can. Watch...they will find a way of greasing the ball when Hawaii goes on offense. F-n cheaters. You can bet $5 the Washington gloaters/thieves couldn't gloat about how big, fast, and star studded their team is if it were not for cheating. Shame.That $5 they'd find a way of cheating you out of that, too. F-n cheats.
Writeabout, your posts just keep heading downhill. You desperately need a stop
What are you talking about? Every post I make is solid-gold, though-provoking Husky football-related content that also warrants a sincere smile and some hearty laughter.
Every time I hit the 'Post Comment' button, Derek breaks out in a nervous sweat, his mind in an exotic state between anxiety and nausea, debating whether he needs to add yet another one of my distinguished and memorable posts to the the infamous Classics Threads board. He's told me he apologizes each time because the point of that Classics Thread board is not to double as my Hall of Fame, but that members can visit my profile and read my collection of poasts to find the best there is to offer at HH.
My posts double as medicine in sub-Saharan Africa, read over the loud speakers in the urban slums and delivered on papyrus to remote villages where healthcare professions rarely venture. In an informal survey from these villages, they much prefer reading my posts to clean drinking water. They've also found that patients with the Ebola virus are performing better after reading my post than with the new experimental Ebola drug. In fact, the health ministers of Sierra Leone and Liberia have contacted me to write most posts on HH for their ill. I expect Guinea to call me any day now.
The only reason why the fighting has continued between Israel and Hamas is they have yet to include my posts from HH in their peace accords. It worked well ending the war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006, but they've been trying to find other methods of achieving peace without resorting to my work. Eventually, we all know they'll have to come back to Hardcore Husky in order to prevent further bloodshed.
So really, I wonder why you say my poasts are going downhill when they've done so much for the world. I think you need to take a step back from the keyboard and gain some perspective.
I was going to drop my 5 reasons the saints win the NFC in webzone but unfortunately coolbrees39 was banned
4681 posts this site
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Posted: Yesterday 4:29 PM
Re: 5 Reasons why UW Beats Hawaii....
Husky fans have to come here and talk **** because they'd get laughed out of any other forum in the pac 12.
this is also the lamest trolling possible, because no one cares, and we all know we're losing anyways, so it just sounds like you're coming in here loudly telling everyone how awesome you are while everyone rolls their eyes because we've been there, done that.
you should probably leave, we're far better at ******** on our own team than you are at doing it for us.
you're also a ******* if you think:
A) we're scoring 17 points. lol.
Last edited Yesterday 4:30 PM by xer21
Foot Soldier
1 posts this site
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Posted: Today 6:50 AM
Re: 5 Reasons why UW Beats Hawaii....
Good job flinging it back at the 'half brains' (a loosely organized band of uber trolls that was formed during the Ty Willy days....who love to replay what they consider funny....the 'five reasons' being a good example-a post that originally appeared prior to the glorious 2008 season on the Oregon board by one of the DOG faithful predicting a DOG victory)
Surprisingly enough there is dalotta truth to most of your 10. The udub has always been an incredibly crooked program. Which makes the whole fan base ( even the sophmoric 'half brains') essentially a cheering section for the WORST of mega$$$ scam that is 'big time college football.
Hope to see the upset of the year over there with the Rainbows. You never know
I also "lol'ed" at the multiple instances of "*********". I'm sure he meant asshole or something, but considering he was PM'ing the original ******, it's beautiful.
Re: 5 Reasons UH defeats Washington
13. Send EVERYBODY @ Lindquist often and hope you have decent corners and fast safeties.
14. Throw most every down and hope to get lucky.
15. Win The turnover battle
16. Return a kick or punt for a TD
17. Convert field goals and play solid special teams
it's possible and could happen. And Damone, be a good sport. I like to go to other teams' forums and be a putz. Life up dude.
Last edited Today
This guys got a good point Damone. What a boof you are
1. Washington cheats. They crooked.
2. Steroids.
3. Pay off refs.
4. Pay top recruits under the table to join the team.
5. Blood doping.
6. Underperforming players in the classroom are kept elgible. Transcripts are doctored.
7. CP's Escort Service. Escorts travel with team on the road.
8. Team ignores the 20 hrs. cap of NCAA alloted practice time a week, and practices upwards to 30 hrs.
9. Coach has the A.D in his back pocket and the A.D has the compliance people in his back pocket.
10.Use hackers to get into the opposing teams playbook and to tap into gameday communications.
All I can say is that Washington looks to gain any edge it can. Watch...they will find a way of greasing the ball when Hawaii goes on offense. F-n cheaters. You can bet $5 the Washington gloaters/thieves couldn't gloat about how big, fast, and star studded their team is if it were not for cheating. Shame.That $5 they'd find a way of cheating you out of that, too. F-n cheats.
That one also made me laugh. End of the month?
Every time I hit the 'Post Comment' button, Derek breaks out in a nervous sweat, his mind in an exotic state between anxiety and nausea, debating whether he needs to add yet another one of my distinguished and memorable posts to the the infamous Classics Threads board. He's told me he apologizes each time because the point of that Classics Thread board is not to double as my Hall of Fame, but that members can visit my profile and read my collection of poasts to find the best there is to offer at HH.
My posts double as medicine in sub-Saharan Africa, read over the loud speakers in the urban slums and delivered on papyrus to remote villages where healthcare professions rarely venture. In an informal survey from these villages, they much prefer reading my posts to clean drinking water. They've also found that patients with the Ebola virus are performing better after reading my post than with the new experimental Ebola drug. In fact, the health ministers of Sierra Leone and Liberia have contacted me to write most posts on HH for their ill. I expect Guinea to call me any day now.
The only reason why the fighting has continued between Israel and Hamas is they have yet to include my posts from HH in their peace accords. It worked well ending the war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006, but they've been trying to find other methods of achieving peace without resorting to my work. Eventually, we all know they'll have to come back to Hardcore Husky in order to prevent further bloodshed.
So really, I wonder why you say my poasts are going downhill when they've done so much for the world. I think you need to take a step back from the keyboard and gain some perspective.