Before I delve into my rant, I’m going to get the Nebraska Classy bullshit out of the way:
I don’t blame The Dutchman (that’s what I’m calling DeBoer now…all my exes get monikers) for taking the Alabama job. He’s going to get all the money and resources he needs, and either UW couldn’t (or wouldn’t) match. If we’re being honest, I’d do the same fucking thing.
I’m not so classy that I’m going to thank him for “what he did for the program” or wish him luck though.
OK, no that we’ve gotten that out of the way…
The thing that makes this so upsetting is I’m sick and fucking tired of my football team being a stepping stone for coaches. We’re the CFB of the friend zone…the starter wife that helps a guy through starting his business / get through grad school before being unceremoniously dumped for the hot blue blood program with their fake silicone tits bolted on (NTTAWWT). We’re a farm league…Michigan, Texas, Alabama are “the majors”.
I don’t think it’s going to change. But I have one idea…we’ve been targeting the wrong mega donor. Fuck Bill Gates.
What we need is the goddamn patron-saint of first wives, those who were cast aside for something “flashier”.

MacKenzie, I so applaud your philanthropic causes, but if you want to really make an immediate impact, and really stick it to the old boys club…including your piece of shit ex-husband, give a bunch of money to the UW football team. A billion or two, which you probably have in your couch cushions, could go a long way with NIL efforts.
That said, if I had any kind of feeling that the rug could be pulled out from under me (i.e., I don't have the kind of support I would need to be successful), I would think differently.
But still. Fuck that guy.
I hate your cope
Michael Cain tried to warn us. We didn't listen.
Well, that’s done, starting now.
I’m so angry we?re now going to have to go dumpster diving / sort through the clearance bin of coaches looking for a good deal…only to for the cycle to start all over again in a few years.
Well, on the plus side, I can truly enjoy my offseason sabbatical now.
Later guysm! See you in August…maybe.