I am feeling a bit awkward.
I know I speak for many of us when I say that I knew there would be a day where Splooge would arise from
an oxycontin stupor and severe masturbation exhaustion from watching Jan Claude Van Dame Blu-Rays from his apartment in Bellevue recovering from winning the Kumite for the 5th time and scoring hundreds of Thai split tails and poast again, I just didn't realize it would be this soon.
Though as a true believer I think I may have had something to do with the latest HH resurrection as I had my
guy from Home Depot parking lot that built my deck for $100 and a case of Icehouse close personal friend Jesus light a candle on his behalf.

(Is that weird? I can never tell)
So, before I TL,DR this poast, question is what to do about my avatar. I kept it in hope, faith, and solidarity, and shining beacon for all we are and know, and now that the beacon has drawn Splooge back like a Pride of Faggots to a Vino at the Landing party, I am unsure what to do, so I leave it up to you my trusted colleagues. No pole necessary.
I can say I tried.
Where you a Thai Bhat?
Good for you goof timer.
2 for the price of 1?
He talking shit bro