1) Miles cut his hair...the corn rows as a QB probably were cut for court but I didn't care for that look as it set a bad example as a QB IMO. Example: NWG/hoops. May the best man win that QB position.
2) The defense will have some interesting conversations when they are at this evening BBQ with the snapper, kicker and punter's house this evening. "So guys...what's the deal with the head coach paying attention to us (Def) all a sudden? Not sure, seems Revis Island isn't around the QB's 24/7 anymore? I know FYFMFE. I haven't even seen Coach Pete hit the goal poast yet? Yah he isn't following me on twitter yet, wtf?
3) Can we buy Fatters some camo from the big and extra big shop? Dude is seriously distracting when interviewing and how does he wipe his ass.....dude dude Nate doog do a rhyme I'm from Montana....hey you like gin and juice or is that just BS? Hey have you ever heard of Butt Montana?
4) Kim is the biggest cunt known to man....in an interview with Dexter he said "aren't you pissed about being in the 2s?" Dex is cool as a cucumber...."it's day 2" repeated 2-3 times with a straight face. Kim is a cock (hey Cockus

Dex is a stud and mentioned he was out during spring and I hope he shoves a cucumber up Kim's Ass 75k. Kim you are a complete fucktard! Coach Pete will be good for business for anyone that has an interest in Husky Football but you are to stupid to see this.
5) Thank The Lord almighty that Seven beat OSU and got by WSU because Chris Petersen is the real deal and I can't believe we upgraded while off loading Steve kardasian. Great time to be a daWg.
FYI...really enjoying the programming at the Pac12 network seeing the 1980 season early today and the 2 past RB wins tonight from 9-10pm...
@RaceBannon and
@iDawg: just finished the 50 plus HB podcasts over the summer and really enjoyed...thumbs up. And
@DerekJohnson I did order my 2 and 3rd book like I said I would so there.
Good day Fuckos
Also, Steve kardashian. Well played.
I smell Spooge.
Hows Chainong Maeie?
It'd be one thing if there was only one OL from the 2's playing with the 1's ... but it's the entire left side of the OL ... which is a strong unit for us. Important that both of those guys stay in tandem when they are working together.
It will be interesting when next week Hatchie and Charles go back working with the 1's and there's debate behind their increase play.
But then again, you could be spending $10 a month to see F^3 post practice reports that consist of who got the first snaps in a drill followed by who got the second snaps in a drill.
rofl bff buddy!
shoot me.
Also, he moved to Thailand a couple years ago. Where can he watch the game?
Smells like Spooge to me.
And I didn't come in kissing DJs ass. He deleted my old account like I asked and took a parting shot after I left which I thought was weak but I still purchased my 2nd and 3rd book like I said because I wanted to read Tui's year and About Willingsham. Since he took those parting shots I didn't order the kindle version like I planned and instead ordered two used from amazon....so there.
And since you are asking, I gave @RaceBannon and idawg a shoutout because it took me 3 months to listen to all those old podcast. I didn't really get race or duck fighter years ago because I didn't like that he was giving the zeros free pub. Having listened to many hours I enjoyed the podcasts, not sure how that is kissing ass? I was just stating a fact jack.
I took along walk and I don't plan to kick anyone's ass, well if Kimmy or Fetters did something stupid I would probably smack one of them for general purposes.