I'm glad people on this site know how to use hyperlinks. Some dickfuck posted about this on another website without link... useless. Thanks guys.
After looking at the pictures it reminds me of Vegas, I guess Johnny Manziel designed the place? Surely when the cameras are off there is porn on all of the tvs and cocaine dispensers in the bathroom.
I'm glad people on this site know how to use hyperlinks. Some dickfuck posted about this on another website without link... useless. Thanks guys.
After looking at the pictures it reminds me of Vegas, I guess Johnny Manziel designed the place? Surely when the cameras are off there is porn on all of the tvs and cocaine dispensers in the bathroom.
Didn't realize CCCP's wife had such a creative language
Apparently their barber shop features the hand gestures for Texas ("hook em") and Texas Tech ("guns up"). I have no idea why.
Some mother fuckers pulled one over on those turds!
I bet there are support beams that say Hook'em
After looking at the pictures it reminds me of Vegas, I guess Johnny Manziel designed the place? Surely when the cameras are off there is porn on all of the tvs and cocaine dispensers in the bathroom.