Why turn yourself into PurpleJ bait? He cares that you care about your upvotes. But just so you get things straight, he really doesn't give a fuck about things like this.
If we're talking about numbers I might as well use this opportunity to boast that there are 4 ducks on this week's leader bored. 40% ducks on a husky website. lol.
If we're talking about numbers I might as well use this opportunity to boast that there are 4 ducks on this week's leader bored. 40% ducks on a husky website. lol.
If we're talking about numbers I might as well use this opportunity to boast that there are 4 ducks on this week's leader bored. 40% ducks on a husky website. lol.
This site is extremely Duck friendly. I guess it's alright since it's mostly the non-Quook variety. After dealing with mouthbreathing Quook trolls on other Warshington boreds for a decade, it took some getting used to.
For the record, having a separate "Duck HB Bored" always seemed a bit much IMO.
If we're talking about numbers I might as well use this opportunity to boast that there are 4 ducks on this week's leader bored. 40% ducks on a husky website. lol.
This site is extremely Duck friendly. I guess it's alright since it's mostly the non-Quook variety. After dealing with mouthbreathing Quook trolls on other Warshington boreds for a decade, it took some getting used to.
For the record, having a separate "Duck HB Bored" always seemed a bit much IMO.
Doogs have the potential to do infinitely more damage to UW than Ducks. It's not Oregon's fault they've plungered us 10 years running. More concerning awere Doogs who condoned it becoming clockwork because kick ass pressers and whiffing on edgy players were priority. The good news is, Pete is the Doog Anti-Christ.
If we're talking about numbers I might as well use this opportunity to boast that there are 4 ducks on this week's leader bored. 40% ducks on a husky website. lol.
We appreciate having a separate duck bored to air our grievances against Helfrich.
This. I have a feeling I will be needing the Duck HB bored quite a bit during the season, since opinions differing from Marty's will be deleted instantly on eQuook.
We appreciate having a separate duck bored to air our grievances against Helfrich.
This. I have a feeling I will be needing the Duck HB bored quite a bit during the season, since opinions differing from Marty's will be deleted instantly on eQuook.
Why turn yourself into PurpleJ bait? He cares that you care about your upvotes. But just so you get things straight, he really doesn't give a fuck about things like this.
By the way, it's spelled "bate" not "bait". brb jo.
We appreciate having a separate duck bored to air our grievances against Helfrich.
This. I have a feeling I will be needing the Duck HB bored quite a bit during the season, since opinions differing from Marty's will be deleted instantly on eQuook.
I don't understand what pleasure anyone derives from posting on a site run by an egotistical tyrant that wants to control what you're allowed to say and not say.
For the record, having a separate "Duck HB Bored" always seemed a bit much IMO.
By the way, it's spelled "bate" not "bait". brb jo.