Can't help but look at that video and realize that we look best in our purple and gold pants at home ... fuck this black out look that Sark put in to make us look "edgy"
This is a fan made one I think, or else it is an old one from before the new video guy arrived at UW.
FYI: There will be another hype video released by UW today. Be on the look out for it! HEARD IT HERE FIRST AT HARDCORE HUSKY
This is a fan one. He's done these for 2 years now and seems to improve each year. He definitely needs to improve on timing, but understands flow and content.
Much better than the official one. Got me doing the lawnmower at my desk.
With Peterman in charge I expect something a lot better than lawnmower this year....maybe roto-tiller or hedge trimmer? LOLOLOLOLO!!!!11111!!!!!1111!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!
Husky PR needs to be fired. A 4-5 minute video of last year's goal post throwing competition highlights, a few of Sark's great post game bytes, Sark's press conference about being USC's new head coach, ending with a dual screen shot of Pat Haden and Coach P, with the line. "Husky football returns in 2014!" How hard is that?
Cool hype video. I can never get enough of these. Would prefer not to have shitty generic pop music though.
FYI: There will be another hype video released by UW today. Be on the look out for it! HEARD IT HERE FIRST AT HARDCORE HUSKY
Might be Crazy Larry's handle, not sure.
FWIW, here is the 2013 version:
Lines off a hooker lessons I've learned