Well, one big lesson we learned from 9-11 is that we need border security and visitors to the US need to have a visa and that overstays are aggressively followed up. Oh, and in 2022 Novak Djokovic should have chartered a Mexican cartel raft and crossed the Rio Grande into the US and asked for sanctuary then he could have competed in the US Open. Of course, in 2023 you don't have to have a vaccine passport, for now because two weeks 2.5 years was sufficient to stop the spread.
Do liberals have more mental health problems? The short answer is yes. Cross-cultural studies have shown that more liberal countries, and more liberal regions within countries, tend to have higher rates of mental disorders. It's been theorized that reduced levels of social constraints may be a key factor driving this pattern.Mar 21, 2023
Jee golly there sure are a lot of emergencies
Only to forget the other 364 days
please tip your server
Family gatherings?
two weeks2.5 years was sufficient to stop the spread.Two planes, three buildings.
Totally plausible.
"The operatives were instructed to make sure the explosives went off at a point high enough to trap the people above from escaping "
George W.
The short answer is yes. Cross-cultural studies have shown that more liberal countries, and more liberal regions within countries, tend to have higher rates of mental disorders. It's been theorized that reduced levels of social constraints may be a key factor driving this pattern.Mar 21, 2023
Who's paranoid now