UW Defense discussed for the first half followed by commentary on Kim's latest, Sark, Conquest Chronicles Fucktarded Commentary, Jude's work ethic, & more.
Good stuff so far. Only criticism is, where did Chest get the idea that Shirley is going to UCLA? That's less likely than Kim's "Stringfellow to USC" call.
FREE PUB for Passion
Little Jimmie saying Kikaha is classic.
1/3 of the way done, and it's great so far. Could use more F bombs.
And LP trio makes me *heart* Chest.
Beauty Roadie! That's a fact jack!
This shit is legit!
Also nice HH shout out...DJ, the check should be in the mail.
I lol'ed
Staff!!!! True???
Jimmy, 13 NFL players at UW wasn't enough to get it done...
Good chit.