We know who should rule and it's not you WEF/NWO Ass lickers!
The fact you think the issue is who should rule well illustrates the current problem.
Mao said power comes from the barrel of a gun. He's your guy you should know how this shit works. It won't end well for anyone but especially for you limp wristed libs.
We elect people to govern, Mario, not to rule. At least so far, and not if you had your way.
If what your side is pushing for happens there will no longer be two parties. That will be all you rats own fault. HTH
The guy who looks to Mao is worried about keeping two parties.
Anita Dunn looks to Mao. She’s a senior adviser to the POTUS.
Add “useful idiot” to your resume, Dazzler!
“The Mao quote is one I picked up from the late Republican strategist Lee Atwater from something I read in the late 1980s, so I hope I don’t get my progressive friends mad at me,” Dunn told CNN in 2009.
We know who should rule and it's not you WEF/NWO Ass lickers!
The fact you think the issue is who should rule well illustrates the current problem.
Mao said power comes from the barrel of a gun. He's your guy you should know how this shit works. It won't end well for anyone but especially for you limp wristed libs.
We elect people to govern, Mario, not to rule. At least so far, and not if you had your way.
If what your side is pushing for happens there will no longer be two parties. That will be all you rats own fault. HTH
The guy who looks to Mao is worried about keeping two parties.
Anita Dunn looks to Mao. She’s a senior adviser to the POTUS.
Add “useful idiot” to your resume, Dazzler!
“The Mao quote is one I picked up from the late Republican strategist Lee Atwater from something I read in the late 1980s, so I hope I don’t get my progressive friends mad at me,” Dunn told CNN in 2009.
We know who should rule and it's not you WEF/NWO Ass lickers!
The fact you think the issue is who should rule well illustrates the current problem.
Mao said power comes from the barrel of a gun. He's your guy you should know how this shit works. It won't end well for anyone but especially for you limp wristed libs.
We elect people to govern, Mario, not to rule. At least so far, and not if you had your way.
If what your side is pushing for happens there will no longer be two parties. That will be all you rats own fault. HTH
The guy who looks to Mao is worried about keeping two parties.
Anita Dunn looks to Mao. She’s a senior adviser to the POTUS.
Add “useful idiot” to your resume, Dazzler!
“The Mao quote is one I picked up from the late Republican strategist Lee Atwater from something I read in the late 1980s, so I hope I don’t get my progressive friends mad at me,” Dunn told CNN in 2009.
We know who should rule and it's not you WEF/NWO Ass lickers!
The fact you think the issue is who should rule well illustrates the current problem.
Mao said power comes from the barrel of a gun. He's your guy you should know how this shit works. It won't end well for anyone but especially for you limp wristed libs.
We elect people to govern, Mario, not to rule. At least so far, and not if you had your way.
If what your side is pushing for happens there will no longer be two parties. That will be all you rats own fault. HTH
The guy who looks to Mao is worried about keeping two parties.
Anita Dunn looks to Mao. She’s a senior adviser to the POTUS.
Add “useful idiot” to your resume, Dazzler!
“The Mao quote is one I picked up from the late Republican strategist Lee Atwater from something I read in the late 1980s, so I hope I don’t get my progressive friends mad at me,” Dunn told CNN in 2009.
We know who should rule and it's not you WEF/NWO Ass lickers!
The fact you think the issue is who should rule well illustrates the current problem.
Mao said power comes from the barrel of a gun. He's your guy you should know how this shit works. It won't end well for anyone but especially for you limp wristed libs.
We elect people to govern, Mario, not to rule. At least so far, and not if you had your way.
If what your side is pushing for happens there will no longer be two parties. That will be all you rats own fault. HTH
The guy who looks to Mao is worried about keeping two parties.
Anita Dunn looks to Mao. She’s a senior adviser to the POTUS.
Add “useful idiot” to your resume, Dazzler!
“The Mao quote is one I picked up from the late Republican strategist Lee Atwater from something I read in the late 1980s, so I hope I don’t get my progressive friends mad at me,” Dunn told CNN in 2009.
One of her favorite philosophers: Mao.
The usual dodge and deflect. Blame a dead guy
Have the guts to be the commie you are