If anyone gives a fuck, I vote to let him back right before the season starts.
I like him around also, and while I am a complete douchenozzle most of the time, even my dumbass can follow the four rules we have here.
No racism. No porn. No Sven porn. No making fun of cripples/wheelchairs/whatever.
It's only four fucking rules. How hard is that....it's pretty much the wild west other than that. The fact that More_Time can't control himself on one simple rule speaks volumes...maybe he will pull the dick out of his butt at some point and ask to be reinstated and promise not to even mention PL_SS anymore...and actually mean it this time...until then, I'm blaming all this shit on global warming.
"You remind me of Stephen Hawking..expect the part about being smart."
so was this:
"At least you have one thing in common with Hawking, so you have that going for you."
but this might be my favorite:
"Speaking of wearing things going to Derek, how many miles do you get on your tires?"
5 things:
1) I am not a mod, nor is it my website
2) Derek asked me a couple of times to lay off the handicap jokes. I always argued that if someone is going to be a homophoic racist, then it's game on. We somewhat disagreed here, and that's fine. But I do see his point when I think of it in terms of how would people feel about teasing someone about a parent or sibling who has/had cancer. I think we would agree that is line crossed.
3) Derek asked me again via PM on June 26th to stop with the jokes. I agreed to abide by his request. It's truly his website and if he feels strongly about this, then I can follow that request.
4) If on June 26th if I had told Derek to piss off and ban me, I expect he would have done it.
5)Some of you need to step away from the keyboard and get some fucking perceptive.
1) Comment was not addressed to you. Just used your comments to point out some hypocrisy re: the treatment of disability jokes.
2) I understand that it's Derek's site and he can moderate it however he'd like. By nature, it is subjective to decide on what's appropriate subject matter for mockery, and that's fine. I just think the rules should be enforced consistently.
3) Fair enough. I didn't see anything posted after the 26th, so you appear to be making good on your agreement.
4) On twatter, More_Tim is saying he did not ask to be banned https://twitter.com/negadawg (possible citrus). I don't really want to get in the middle of one person's word vs. the other, so I'll just leave it at that.
5) Time of Possession - I think they can dominate the time of possession stat. The more they can shorten the games and keep their defense off of the field, the better chance they have to win the conference.
1. What comment wasn't addressed to me? I heard that it was said on twitter that I was a mod and that it was my and Derek's site. Both comments aren't true and I was clearing that up. I don't even know who the mods are besides Derek.
2. Derek was enforcing his rules the same with me as with others. He sent me PM's asking me to stop, just like he did with others. He didn't let my comments slide while coming down on others. I got the request as well.
3. I have abided by the rules since the 26th of June PM from DJ.
4. Derek posted in this thread that time said ""ban me or don't I don't give a shit either way". That sounds like Time challenged DJ to ban him, just like DJ said in the earlier post. I assume that is an exact quote. DJ can just post the PM and we will all know.
5. Offensive Line - They average a weight of 332 lbs across the line, they are ready to dominate the line of scrimmage. Atoe, Riva, Deans, Kohler, Criste, Shelton, Ossai etc. These boys have the attitude and are ready to rumble.
I notice PLSS has posted considerably less since HNMT left... and for that reason I say let him back in.
More of a demand than a request.
PLSS had a huge drop off in posts after I gave him a 2 day timeout for way over the top racist remarks. He remains the only poster in HH to be given a time out.
It was from that point he stopped posting as much.
They weren't racist remarks dumbass. I used the word "nigger" as an example of a word just as offensive of using cripple jokes to US veterens. Get it straight Derek. Find the post, show it
I notice PLSS has posted considerably less since HNMT left... and for that reason I say let him back in.
More of a demand than a request.
PLSS had a huge drop off in posts after I gave him a 2 day timeout for way over the top racist remarks. He remains the only poster in HH to be given a time out.
It was from that point he stopped posting as much.
They weren't racist remarks dumbass. I used the word "nigger" as an example of a word just as offensive of using cripple jokes to US veterens. Get it straight Derek. Find the post, show it
And I stopped posting for that reason. Plus cockus ruined the bored by posting then replying to himself 10 times per thread. In other words, your "timeout" had little to do with it, I just stopped posting because the place really started to suck. Pure and simple. Its starting to pick up hence my increased presence.
Just so you know, any wheel chair jokes I may have made or laughed at about you, were because I didn't think you were actually in a wheel chair. I love racist jokes not because I am racist, but because if you can't laugh at a bad situation this is going to be a miserable life. I would never want to make fun of a real disability or an actual trait (not like having a different color skin is a disability or anything but it is just different) for someone. I hate some of the stuff you post and love most of the rest but none the less I love you as a person and I am glad you post here.
What part of "Grow the hell up and learn the difference between real life and the Internet" is so hard for you faggots ($75M) to understand?
75 Million. We have a lot of faggots. It's like, a bushel of gays. Or something.
I believe the cultural taxonomy for a plurality of faggots would be "pride" of faggots...get it, like a bunch of lions and gay pride? LOLOLOL!!111!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!
If anyone gives a fuck, I vote to let him back right before the season starts.
I like him around also, and while I am a complete douchenozzle most of the time, even my dumbass can follow the four rules we have here.
No racism. No porn. No Sven porn. No making fun of cripples/wheelchairs/whatever.
It's only four fucking rules. How hard is that....it's pretty much the wild west other than that. The fact that More_Time can't control himself on one simple rule speaks volumes...maybe he will pull the dick out of his butt at some point and ask to be reinstated and promise not to even mention PL_SS anymore...and actually mean it this time...until then, I'm blaming all this shit on global warming.
"You remind me of Stephen Hawking..expect the part about being smart."
so was this:
"At least you have one thing in common with Hawking, so you have that going for you."
but this might be my favorite:
"Speaking of wearing things going to Derek, how many miles do you get on your tires?"
5 things:
1) I am not a mod, nor is it my website
2) Derek asked me a couple of times to lay off the handicap jokes. I always argued that if someone is going to be a homophoic racist, then it's game on. We somewhat disagreed here, and that's fine. But I do see his point when I think of it in terms of how would people feel about teasing someone about a parent or sibling who has/had cancer. I think we would agree that is line crossed.
3) Derek asked me again via PM on June 26th to stop with the jokes. I agreed to abide by his request. It's truly his website and if he feels strongly about this, then I can follow that request.
4) If on June 26th if I had told Derek to piss off and ban me, I expect he would have done it.
5)Some of you need to step away from the keyboard and get some fucking perceptive.
6. ?
7. Profit!
what is it about "5 things" that you don't understand?
What part of "Grow the hell up and learn the difference between real life and the Internet" is so hard for you faggots ($75M) to understand?
75 Million. We have a lot of faggots. It's like, a bushel of gays. Or something.
I believe the cultural taxonomy for a plurality of faggots would be "pride" of faggots...get it, like a bunch of lions and gay pride? LOLOLOL!!111!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!
I notice PLSS has posted considerably less since HNMT left... and for that reason I say let him back in.
More of a demand than a request.
PLSS had a huge drop off in posts after I gave him a 2 day timeout for way over the top racist remarks. He remains the only poster in HH to be given a time out.
It was from that point he stopped posting as much.
They weren't racist remarks dumbass. I used the word "nigger" as an example of a word just as offensive of using cripple jokes to US veterens. Get it straight Derek. Find the post, show it
Negative Ghostrider. You poasted (hardy har har) some rayciss shit that made me cringe and he's not talking about your most recent poast.
Shit, it's getting to be like revenge of the nerds around here.
Mad_Son → puppylove_sugarsteel
Just so you know, any wheel chair jokes I may have made or laughed at about you, were because I didn't think you were actually in a wheel chair. I love racist jokes not because I am racist, but because if you can't laugh at a bad situation this is going to be a miserable life. I would never want to make fun of a real disability or an actual trait (not like having a different color skin is a disability or anything but it is just different) for someone. I hate some of the stuff you post and love most of the rest but none the less I love you as a person and I am glad you post here.
Shit, it's getting to be like revenge of the nerds around here.