And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
I'm assuming this was the trainee that had been on the job a few days. Normal protocol is they are just observing their first week. Not a damn thing should happen to that guy.
Before Thao became a Minneapolis police officer in 2012, he worked as a supervisor in a fast-food restaurant and security guard for a medical device manufacturer.
As a rookie, he was cited by his training officer eight times for being dishonest or taking shortcuts. Over the years, he had six police conduct complaints filed against him.
He and another officer were accused of punching, kicking and kneeing an unarmed Black man in handcuffs in 2014. The encounter occurred a few blocks from what would be the site of Floyd's murder. The city settled the case for $25,000.
Strong work, Mall Cop.
He wasn't the trainee. Should have been fired prior. Doesn't matter he did nothing wrong and it wasn't murder in any way, means, shape or form. Dingbat.
I'm assuming this was the trainee that had been on the job a few days. Normal protocol is they are just observing their first week. Not a damn thing should happen to that guy.
Before Thao became a Minneapolis police officer in 2012, he worked as a supervisor in a fast-food restaurant and security guard for a medical device manufacturer.
As a rookie, he was cited by his training officer eight times for being dishonest or taking shortcuts. Over the years, he had six police conduct complaints filed against him.
He and another officer were accused of punching, kicking and kneeing an unarmed Black man in handcuffs in 2014. The encounter occurred a few blocks from what would be the site of Floyd's murder. The city settled the case for $25,000.
Strong work, Mall Cop.
He wasn't the trainee. Should have been fired prior. Doesn't matter he did nothing wrong and it wasn't murder in any way, means, shape or form. Dingbat.
Emily Litella, ladies and gentlemen. Emily Litella.
And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
This is the part where leftists get quiet...
You'd think that guy serving time for his murder would be louder though.
And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
This is the part where leftists get quiet...
You'd think that guy serving time for his murder would be louder though.
You would think that a crooked judge and legal system would work to keep him quiet. Just like all that January 6th video footage was immediately released to the defendants. Then it was and then Tucker got fired. Next thing you know, Trump will have a gag order.
And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
This is the part where leftists get quiet...
You'd think that guy serving time for his murder would be louder though.
So you can't read? He was dying when they stopped him. You really are this bad and stupid.
And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
This is the part where leftists get quiet...
You'd think that guy serving time for his murder would be louder though.
And stab his pregnant girl and be a junkie and O D but still
Resisting arrest is a felony as well
Startling example of government inefficiency. Shooting suspects would be quicker and easier.
St. George Floyd should have been in prison. Team Dazzler decided otherwise. You can have your heroes, mine are different.
Well, since he should have been in prison anyway, the police practically had to murder him.
Like Ashli Babbitt
Fuck off
Reverential window smasher mourned. Blow to DC tourism.
So you support the death sentence for a broken window
Good to know
Parading at the Capitol is a greater crime than threatening to carve up a pregnant woman. Resisting arrest while high on a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is a greater Constitutional right than the First Amendment.
So execution retroactive to prior threats to a pregnant woman. Sounds reasonable.
But threating to hang Mike Pence? Well, he's not pregnant. Probably.
Look up the cause of death dumbass. He was not murdered. I'll wait.
This is the part where leftists get quiet...
You'd think that guy serving time for his murder would be louder though.
Yeah, but was he "black".
I’m old enough to remember the judge in the Rittenhouse case chastising the prosecution for asking why the defendant hadn’t said anything since the shooting. Seems like even great high QB lawyers would know that. Well maybe not.
Thao knew that the restraint he witnessed, and intentionally assisted, grossly deviated from the standard of care and risked death.
Thao received a total of 1,014 hours of MPD training on the topics discussed above, including procedural justice training, crisis intervention training, defensive tactics training, and CPR training. (Blackwell, Fed. Tr. Trans. at 988-989, 996; Fed. Tr. Exhs. 59 [Thao Workforce Training], 61 [2018 Annual Refresher Defensive Tactics PowerPoint], 75 [April 2012 Administrative Announcement to Show Positional Asphyxia Training Video], 76 [April 2012 Positional Asphyxia Training Video]; Chauvin Tr. Exh. 111 [CPR Training Guide].) Thao was trained to place a subject in the side recovery position as soon as possible to alleviate the risk of positional asphyxia. Thao admitted that he was also trained to place a person suffering from excited delirium in the side recovery position to avoid positional asphyxia. (Fed. Tr. Trans. at 3367.) Despite his training, Thao knew that Chauvin, Kueng, and Lane had restrained Floyd in the prone position with all three atop of him for many minutes, including for minutes after Floyd was no longer talking, moving, and appeared to have passed out.
Thao was regularly trained on how to provide CPR. Because Thao received MPD’s training, Thao knew the importance of performing CPR as quickly as possible, including while waiting for EMS to arrive. (Fed. Tr. Trans. at 3149.) And Thao also acknowledged that an officer cannot “ignore” when a subject says they cannot breathe and that “it is a red flag if someone in your custody suddenly stops talking.” (Id. at 3202-3203, 3170.) Yet Thao knew that no one was performing CPR on Floyd even after Floyd stopped talking and even after Floyd appeared unconscious.
As with the other officers, Thao had been trained only to use appropriate force proportional to a subject’s resistance and to evaluate the use of force and de-escalate as necessary throughout a restraint. (Fed. Tr. Trans. at 3162, 3171-73; Fed. Tr. Exh. 61 [2018 Annual Refresher Defensive Tactics PowerPoint]; Chauvin Tr. Exh. 119 [MPD 2018 Use of Force In-Service PPT].) Thao also acknowledged that an officer cannot continue to use force on someone who is not resisting, even a person suspected to be suffering from excited delirium. (Fed. Tr. Trans. at 3313, 3223.) Thao was also trained that it is unnecessary to use force on someone who is unconscious or does not have a pulse. (Id. at 3177.) Yet Thao knew Chauvin, Kueng, and Lane continued restraining Floyd after he stopped resisting, was no longer speaking, and appeared unconscious.
Thao was trained on the risk of injury when officers administer force to a person’s head, neck, and sternum. Thao knew that MPD policy prohibits using a conscious neck restraint unless the subject is “actively resisting.” (Fed. Tr. Trans. at 3194-3195.) Yet Thao knew that Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s neck and that Chauvin’s knee remained on Floyd’s neck long after Floyd was no longer resisting or speaking. (State’s Supp. Exh. 24 [BCA Video Interview with Thao], at 01:05:29-:54, 01:08:17-:26 (Thao acknowledging he could see Chauvin’s left knee on Floyd’s neck and back).) Indeed, Thao acknowledged that at some point during the restraint Floyd was not resisting and “was just laying there.” (Id. at 01:32:18-01:32:38. ) Thao knew that Chauvin was not using a trained neck restraint. (State’s Supp. Exh. 24 (BCA Video Interview with Thao], at 01:05:56-01:06:06; see also State’s Supp. Exh. 23 [Transcript of BCA Video Interview with Thao], at 27507.) And Thao admitted that he was obligated to stop another police officer if he saw that officer using excessive force. (Fed. Tr. Trans. at 3177-3178.) Yet Thao stood by and did not stop Chauvin during the entire 9 minute and 24 second restrain
Don't overload on phentanol and go to an act used previously to get out of crimes. Ever heard of crying wolf? Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Time to stop cuddling the willfully ignorant. No more hiding.
so there's some Swedish heritage involved too