Thing I remember about that game is waiting way too long until half time to finally piss because I didn't want to miss any of the ass kicking. And with about 8 gallons of beer, I barely made it to the pee wall on the South Side before blowing a kidney. And right when I finally let loose my stream of justice, I farted simultaneously. Up 21-9, with 2 bodily functions that felt better than sex, I have to say, it just doesn't get any better than that. High point of life. Been all downhill since that exact minute.
Thing I remember about that game is waiting way too long until half time to finally piss because I didn't want to miss any of the ass kicking. And with about 8 gallons of beer, I barely made it to the pee wall on the South Side before blowing a kidney. And right when I finally let loose my stream of justice, I farted simultaneously. Up 21-9, with 2 bodily functions that felt better than sex, I have to say, it just doesn't get any better than that. High point of life. Been all downhill since that exact minute.
Thing I remember about that game is waiting way too long until half time to finally piss because I didn't want to miss any of the ass kicking. And with about 8 gallons of beer, I barely made it to the pee wall on the South Side before blowing a kidney. And right when I finally let loose my stream of justice, I farted simultaneously. Up 21-9, with 2 bodily functions that felt better than sex, I have to say, it just doesn't get any better than that. High point of life. Been all downhill since that exact minute.