Also posted below. Walsh: I Called Up a "Trans Healthcare" Provider and Purposely Flunked the Criteria for a "Trans" Diagnosis But They Gave Me a Prescription to Get My Testicles Cut Off Anyway... in 22 Minutes
Actually it was Matt Walsh's producer who got this snap diagnosis and snap order for castration.
The cost of getting a fraudulent order for testicle removal surgery in 22 minutes:
1/ BREAKING: The largest "trans healthcare" providers in the U.S. are rubber-stamping letters approving gruesome, life-altering surgeries. It's such a racket that my producer was approved for testicle removal in #22minutes. The tape is disturbing.
2/ First, some background. Ari Groner is a licensed clinical social worker who educates doctors on "trans healthcare." At a recent training session for the Juniper Center, Groner explained that she writes whatever letters her patients want, because she's not a "gatekeeper."
A provider of medical diagnoses who proclaims she (she?) isn't a "gatekeeper" for medical diagnoses?
The patients self-diagnose.
Sometimes they even tell you they're not dysphoric -- and you give them a prescription to get their balls cut off anyway.
Just in case they need it.
