I wish Wild Waters was still there. Bill had a lot of good times there as a kid.
#metoo. It was much funner than jumping off of those damn cliffs in Post Falls.
You guys are fags.gif
CDA River past Harrison Dock Buildings about 2 miles, jumping off the train trestle or GTFO. The I-90 bridge at Wolf Lodge Bay was pretty fun too but you better be wearing shoes. It was about 25 feet higher than the train trestle.
Up near Kellogg there's another train trestle that was a good jump but that water was straight out of the mountains and cold af. Shrinkage.
My cousin used to jump off a train trestle into the Clark Fork in MT. It seemed borderline insane. It was probably 45 feet. Now apparently he "lives" in San Fransicko. Translation: he moved there for all the free drugs and needles because he has a record in all the NW states...
Almost whacked someone on a train trestle outside spokane today be very careful on those, not much room