I still lurk and read. Its been nice to see some of the shout-outs.
Here's the deal. My kid was born a month premature in early January, with 20% of his blood. Apparently the rest bled into his mother. We were on a trip, and my wife hadn't felt him kick in a while, so we went into the hospital to have her looked at, and ended up staying there for 45 days.
He was born with no heartbeat or respiration. They revived him, and he died again on the table on day 6 of life due to bleeding in his lungs. They saved him again. After he got out hospital, he had another one-in-a-million thing happen, he developed a cataract in one of his eyes - something called "persistent fetal vasculature." So he had to have the lens removed. Now mom has to put in and take out his contact lens every day and patch him for half his waking hours so the "bad" eye learns to see. He hates it.
Amazingly, the kid has hit all his milestones, and seems like he won't be retarded or crippled. But we have a long way to go before we know for sure. So, that's the crud.
As far as Doogman goes, I was a pretty meh poster. I was a dumbass who paid for the subscription, and I liked Race's Duckfighter schtick so I followed him over to the HHBv2 and posted once or twice over there, which got me banhammer'd. Me and Kim had a back and forth, basically he banned me for disloyalty. That really pissed me off.
Shortly thereafter iDawg got the AIDS and HHBv2 died.
Once I found this place, I thought it would be fun to chronicle all the bullshit that the lemon party trio was spinning to keep Seven in his cushy seat. So, I bought another membership, and started my bored. The Hindu chick never contacted me.
My membership is lapsed, and I don't really see the poont anymore. The good guys won.
Plus, I'm pretty fucking busy with an infant in the house now. Not sure I can get away with spending an hour or so each evening finding stupid shit on Doogman to post on my bored.
If someone wants to PM me maybe we can figure out a way to re-start the old research project in August or September, once this place quits being so devoted to dick-slap and fart-smelling competitions.
I still lurk and read. Its been nice to see some of the shout-outs.
Here's the deal. My kid was born a month premature in early January, with 20% of his blood. Apparently the rest bled into his mother. We were on a trip, and my wife hadn't felt him kick in a while, so we went into the hospital to have her looked at, and ended up staying there for 45 days.
He was born with no heartbeat or respiration. They revived him, and he died again on the table on day 6 of life due to bleeding in his lungs. They saved him again. After he got out hospital, he had another one-in-a-million thing happen, he developed a cataract in one of his eyes - something called "persistent fetal vasculature." So he had to have the lens removed. Now mom has to put in and take out his contact lens every day and patch him for half his waking hours so the "bad" eye learns to see. He hates it.
Amazingly, the kid has hit all his milestones, and seems like he won't be retarded or crippled. But we have a long way to go before we know for sure. So, that's the crud.
As far as Doogman goes, I was a pretty meh poster. I was a dumbass who paid for the subscription, and I liked Race's Duckfighter schtick so I followed him over to the HHBv2 and posted once or twice over there, which got me banhammer'd. Me and Kim had a back and forth, basically he banned me for disloyalty. That really pissed me off.
Shortly thereafter iDawg got the AIDS and HHBv2 died.
Once I found this place, I thought it would be fun to chronicle all the bullshit that the lemon party trio was spinning to keep Seven in his cushy seat. So, I bought another membership, and started my bored. The Hindu chick never contacted me.
My membership is lapsed, and I don't really see the poont anymore. The good guys won.
Plus, I'm pretty fucking busy with an infant in the house now. Not sure I can get away with spending an hour or so each evening finding stupid shit on Doogman to post on my bored.
If someone wants to PM me maybe we can figure out a way to re-start the old research project in August or September, once this place quits being so devoted to dick-slap and fart-smelling competitions.
I still lurk and read. Its been nice to see some of the shout-outs.
Here's the deal. My kid was born a month premature in early January, with 20% of his blood. Apparently the rest bled into his mother. We were on a trip, and my wife hadn't felt him kick in a while, so we went into the hospital to have her looked at, and ended up staying there for 45 days.
He was born with no heartbeat or respiration. They revived him, and he died again on the table on day 6 of life due to bleeding in his lungs. They saved him again. After he got out hospital, he had another one-in-a-million thing happen, he developed a cataract in one of his eyes - something called "persistent fetal vasculature." So he had to have the lens removed. Now mom has to put in and take out his contact lens every day and patch him for half his waking hours so the "bad" eye learns to see. He hates it.
Amazingly, the kid has hit all his milestones, and seems like he won't be retarded or crippled. But we have a long way to go before we know for sure. So, that's the crud.
As far as Doogman goes, I was a pretty meh poster. I was a dumbass who paid for the subscription, and I liked Race's Duckfighter schtick so I followed him over to the HHBv2 and posted once or twice over there, which got me banhammer'd. Me and Kim had a back and forth, basically he banned me for disloyalty. That really pissed me off.
Shortly thereafter iDawg got the AIDS and HHBv2 died.
Once I found this place, I thought it would be fun to chronicle all the bullshit that the lemon party trio was spinning to keep Seven in his cushy seat. So, I bought another membership, and started my bored. The Hindu chick never contacted me.
My membership is lapsed, and I don't really see the poont anymore. The good guys won.
Plus, I'm pretty fucking busy with an infant in the house now. Not sure I can get away with spending an hour or so each evening finding stupid shit on Doogman to post on my bored.
If someone wants to PM me maybe we can figure out a way to re-start the old research project in August or September, once this place quits being so devoted to dick-slap and fart-smelling competitions.
Nice to see you. Glad things have worked out. Holy shit. Even as big of a dick as I am, I won't make crud jokes anymore. Your baby is a rock star to have made it. I will still make dick slap jokes, but hope you come around more often anyway. Viva la Biggus!
Wow. That's a pretty amazing story. Thanks for the update even though us fucktards aren't worthy of it. We'd love it if Northwest Football Fucktards made a comeback this fall, but obviously you've got more important shit going on. Good luck Biggus. Hope to have you around here for a while. You pissed off Kim and that's all it takes to be a celebrity around here.
I still lurk and read. Its been nice to see some of the shout-outs.
Here's the deal. My kid was born a month premature in early January, with 20% of his blood. Apparently the rest bled into his mother. We were on a trip, and my wife hadn't felt him kick in a while, so we went into the hospital to have her looked at, and ended up staying there for 45 days.
He was born with no heartbeat or respiration. They revived him, and he died again on the table on day 6 of life due to bleeding in his lungs. They saved him again. After he got out hospital, he had another one-in-a-million thing happen, he developed a cataract in one of his eyes - something called "persistent fetal vasculature." So he had to have the lens removed. Now mom has to put in and take out his contact lens every day and patch him for half his waking hours so the "bad" eye learns to see. He hates it.
Amazingly, the kid has hit all his milestones, and seems like he won't be retarded or crippled. But we have a long way to go before we know for sure. So, that's the crud.
As far as Doogman goes, I was a pretty meh poster. I was a dumbass who paid for the subscription, and I liked Race's Duckfighter schtick so I followed him over to the HHBv2 and posted once or twice over there, which got me banhammer'd. Me and Kim had a back and forth, basically he banned me for disloyalty. That really pissed me off.
Shortly thereafter iDawg got the AIDS and HHBv2 died.
Once I found this place, I thought it would be fun to chronicle all the bullshit that the lemon party trio was spinning to keep Seven in his cushy seat. So, I bought another membership, and started my bored. The Hindu chick never contacted me.
My membership is lapsed, and I don't really see the poont anymore. The good guys won.
Plus, I'm pretty fucking busy with an infant in the house now. Not sure I can get away with spending an hour or so each evening finding stupid shit on Doogman to post on my bored.
If someone wants to PM me maybe we can figure out a way to re-start the old research project in August or September, once this place quits being so devoted to dick-slap and fart-smelling competitions.
Your kid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drecklund's kid.
My wife's due in three months, I can't even imagine what you guys have gone through. Thanks for the update. And props to you for putting your priorities in the right place.
Wow, glad to see you are still around, Biggus. That is quite the story, really happy to hear everything is going well! Your kid is a trooper, must get it from his Mom!
I still lurk and read. Its been nice to see some of the shout-outs.
Here's the deal. My kid was born a month premature in early January, with 20% of his blood. Apparently the rest bled into his mother. We were on a trip, and my wife hadn't felt him kick in a while, so we went into the hospital to have her looked at, and ended up staying there for 45 days.
He was born with no heartbeat or respiration. They revived him, and he died again on the table on day 6 of life due to bleeding in his lungs. They saved him again. After he got out hospital, he had another one-in-a-million thing happen, he developed a cataract in one of his eyes - something called "persistent fetal vasculature." So he had to have the lens removed. Now mom has to put in and take out his contact lens every day and patch him for half his waking hours so the "bad" eye learns to see. He hates it.
Amazingly, the kid has hit all his milestones, and seems like he won't be retarded or crippled. But we have a long way to go before we know for sure. So, that's the crud.
As far as Doogman goes, I was a pretty meh poster. I was a dumbass who paid for the subscription, and I liked Race's Duckfighter schtick so I followed him over to the HHBv2 and posted once or twice over there, which got me banhammer'd. Me and Kim had a back and forth, basically he banned me for disloyalty. That really pissed me off.
Shortly thereafter iDawg got the AIDS and HHBv2 died.
Once I found this place, I thought it would be fun to chronicle all the bullshit that the lemon party trio was spinning to keep Seven in his cushy seat. So, I bought another membership, and started my bored. The Hindu chick never contacted me.
My membership is lapsed, and I don't really see the poont anymore. The good guys won.
Plus, I'm pretty fucking busy with an infant in the house now. Not sure I can get away with spending an hour or so each evening finding stupid shit on Doogman to post on my bored.
If someone wants to PM me maybe we can figure out a way to re-start the old research project in August or September, once this place quits being so devoted to dick-slap and fart-smelling competitions.
It's posts like this that make me think some of you guys are real.
My wife's due in three months, I can't even imagine what you guys have gone through. Thanks for the update. And props to you for putting your priorities in the right place.