Actually most of the upscale coffee shops use Fair Trade Coffee which pays an above market wage to the coffee pickers. Leftards hate that. I can't imagine how mentally deficient and uneducated a person is that thinks that coffee drinking is racist. The same nutcases want more cobalt dug up in Africa by little kids. I guess if I give up coffee then blacks need to give up electricity and automobiles? Like mello and the dazzler they never think things through to their logical conclusions because logic is beyond them.
Actually most of the upscale coffee shops use Fair Trade Coffee which pays an above market wage to the coffee pickers. Leftards hate that. I can't imagine how mentally deficient and uneducated a person is that thinks that coffee drinking is racist. The same nutcases want more cobalt dug up in Africa by little kids. I guess if I give up coffee then blacks need to give up electricity and automobiles? Like mello and the dazzler they never think things through to their logical conclusions because logic is beyond them.
We were just talking this AM how the left doesn’t do logic. Or reason.